Jamendo In-Store Radio alternatives

35 Jamendo In Store Radio Alternatives

    Published by Jamendo S.A.

  • License: Free | Updated: 2024-02-06 | Current Version: 3.0.3 | File Size: 22.14 MB

Apps Similar to Jamendo In Store Radio

What are the best Apps most similar Jamendo In Store Radio? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Intelligent Hub

Rated 4.4/5 by 33.00k users || Free ||

AirWatch Agent is now Intelligent Hub. The Intelligent Hub app is the single destination where employees can have an enhanced user experience with unified onboarding, catalog, and access to services such as People, Notifications, and Home.. Intelligent Hub is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 115.28 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.5/5 by 6.57k users || Free ||

UNLOCK THE AWESOME POWER OF VIDEO 7M+ users from 100+ countries trust InVideo(Filmr) for their video creation needs. With InVideo, you can create high-quality, aesthetic videos that engage better, deliver more leads and save time.. InVideo(Filmr) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 248.39 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

iFLYTEK Voice Input

Rated 4.7/5 by 3.60k users || Free ||

====== 特色功能 ====== •【智能语音输入】语音输入免切换,中文英语混输效率高 •【文字扫描】图片转文字OCR快速识别,轻松拍照取字 •【斗图神器】打字就出表情包,更支持关键词搜表情 •【键盘皮肤】清新时尚动漫游戏,万款个性皮肤任你挑 •【拼音双键】支持拼音双键键盘,打字效率更高效 •【BiuBiu键盘】戏精聊天能手,怼人吐槽/花样表白/饭圈专属 •【BiuBiu趣聊】支持单字刷屏、说三遍、密语等聊天模式 •【英语翻译】说中文秒变外语,英语、日语、韩语轻松翻译 •【卖萌颜文字】会卖萌的颜文字,语言表达不仅有颜更有趣 •【emoji表情】呆萌新潮搞怪emoji表情通通都到碗里来 •【方言识别】支持23种方言输入,粤语普通话更能随心说 •【离线语音】弱网状态时,语音输入照样识别 •【人工智能引擎】手写可预测,纠错更智能 •【手写输入法】手写输入可叠写连写,精准文字一步直达 •【云端同步】支持账号同步和恢复,输入习惯跟你走 •【稳定输入】针对新版iOS系统优化,打造稳定输入 •【精准输入】超大词库,精准联想,整句纠错,只为准确率 注:识别率98%的数据来源于安徽省电子产品监督检验所 ====== 常见问题 ====== 【一】如何启用讯飞输入法? 1、添加键盘:安装后,进入系统设置—>通用—>键盘—>添加新键盘 选择 讯飞输入法添加,再点击讯飞-讯飞输入法 —> 开启“允许完全访问”—>完成 2、启用键盘:打开任何输入框—>长按地球键 选择 讯飞输入法,即可启用 【二】如何使用拼音云输入、导入通讯录、按键音等功能? 1、进入系统设置—>通用—>键盘—>键盘—>讯飞输入法 —> 开启“允许完全访问”; 2、启用设置:点击讯飞输入法桌面图标—>进入“设置”,设置相应功能后即可使用 【三】如何设置自定义皮肤? 1、开启“允许完全访问”; 2、设置皮肤:点击讯飞输入法图标—>皮肤—>本地—>“拍照做皮肤”或“照片做皮肤”,选择自己喜欢的照片后,点击完成即可。 【四】如何用讯飞账号备份/恢复用户词库? 1、开启“允许完全访问”; 2、点击讯飞输入法桌面图标—>点击“账号”—>登录讯飞账号—>点击“备份用户词”或“恢复用户词”。 ====== 欢迎调戏 ====== 交流QQ群:235125443 官方微信:xunfeishurufa 用户反馈:讯飞输入法APP—帮助与反馈—意见反馈(务必留下联系方式哦) 我们时刻倾听,有问必答,期待您的反馈!.. iFLYTEK Voice Input is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 182.12 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Crew Messaging and Scheduling

Rated 4.7/5 by 47.23k users || Free ||

Crew connects your entire distributed workforce from the frontline to corporate leadership, unifying communications, streamlining scheduling, and making operations hum. Join for free.. Crew Messaging and Scheduling is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 96.73 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Eid Invitation Cards Creator

Rated 3.7/5 by 3 people || Free ||

With a number of free layouts to choose from and a library packed with awesome images, creating the perfect Eid Invitation easy. Create your own Eid Invitation with our invitation maker for all type of partying occasions.. Eid Invitation Cards Creator is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 24.46 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 3.4/5 by 21 people || Free ||

TopLink is the World Economic Forum online community, knowledge and events platform. The TopLink mobile app provides an optimized TopLink experience for your iPhone and iPad: - Collaborate with your peers to drive forward community agendas and common projects - Access curated content and interact with experts on your topics of interest - Make the most of Forum meetings: Browse the programme, manage your agenda and message other participants IMPORTANT – You must be a Forum constituent with a valid TopLink account to use this app.. TopLink. is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 184.35 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

MyAsset - My Accounting Book is a simple but useful accounting app; you can manage individual finance easily You can also check your daily or monthly income-expense anytime and anywhere;in addition, you can control your personal asset and liabilities. Subjects a clear distinction between the accounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenditure, the full account of all the money flows, understand exactly what all of your personal assets and liabilities A single screen showing the full monthly payments, assets, liabilities and net assets.. AccountingBook is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.86 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

FocusNow by BrainCo

Rated 5/5 by 7 people || Free ||

FocusNow by BrainCo combines a comfortable wearable headset that analyzes your brain activity in real time and helps improve your ability to focus and relax through fun and engaging exercises and games. In just a few minutes a day, FocusNow will help train your brain to achieve the ideal mental state for learning and memory, maintain your levels of attention longer and improve the quality of your focus and attention.. FocusNow by BrainCo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 222.14 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Nomorobo Robocall Blocking

Rated 4.5/5 by 15.75k users || Free ||

Nomorobo blocks annoying robocalls, telemarketers, spam texts, and phone scammers from calling your phone. Bring peace and quiet back to your life.. Nomorobo Robocall Blocking is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.10 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Text Vault

Rated 4.4/5 by 20.33k users || Free ||

Best Free Texting App with burner phone numbers for text messages. Add as many phone numbers for texting as you want.. Text Vault is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 108.53 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.43k users || Free ||

Best place for Classical Music on the App Store Change Your Life with classical music REVIEWS & RATINGS: ----------------------------- "I use this when I need to work/concentrate. Always works like a charm.. Sonata is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 103.25 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Note Recorder

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Note Recorder lets users capture every wonderful moment in their life, record ideas, notes and observations, import videos and photos, and store memories of events and meetings alongside their iOS Calendar day view. All the notes including text,photo,audio & video are stored on the server on-line.. Note Recorder is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.06 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Radio UK online

Rated 4.4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

** BEST & TOP radio stations from United Kingdom *** Enjoy the majority of British FM-radio, AM radio and web streaming on your mobile device. *** Download FREE APP now.. Radio UK online is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 6.78 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

TOP HOUSE Music Radio Stations

Rated 4.3/5 by 7 people || Free ||

** The BEST HOUSE MUSIC Radio Stations APP ** In this House Music Songs APP you can listen to TOP radio online and your favorite popular songs on internet radio all day long. DOWNLOAD IT NOW.. TOP HOUSE Music Radio Stations is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 5.17 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Penn Radiology Meetings/Events

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

This mobile application provides registered attendees with the essential tools to participate in live meetings and events. The app will be used to gather information from participants through surveys and evaluations, used to facilitate live Q&A, and offer attendees the opportunity to post restaurant/activity recommendations and photos.. Penn Radiology Meetings/Events is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 72.37 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.5/5 by 8.57k users || Free ||

Start your ecommerce business and manage it from anywhere, with no coding or design skills needed. Run your ecommerce business from your mobile device.. Shopify is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 336.73 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Contacts Backup

Rated 4.3/5 by 352 people || Free ||

Backup and restore your contacts right from your phone without the need for a computer or synchronization. You can backup all your contacts with a single touch and send them to yourself as a VCard attachment via email.. Contacts Backup is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 25.58 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Shoes Clothing Store Master

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $7.99 ||

ClothingStore (Clothing Invoicing Software) is what you need, small business business & personal financial integration management. ClothingStore is designed for Small clothing / shoes store owner to manage their inventory and sales.. Shoes Clothing Store Master is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 4.95 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Connect IQ

Rated 4.7/5 by 4.70k users || Free ||

Connect IQ lets you easily browse content to personalize your Garmin device. Add weather, games, compatible music services, new workout metrics, and choose from thousands of watch faces, or even create your own.. Connect IQ is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 58.30 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Hytexts eBook Store

Rated 3.2/5 by 9 people || Free ||

Hytexts. com eBook Store แอพพลิเคชั่นสำหรับอ่านไฟล์ ePUB, PDF ที่ใช้งานง่าย และสะดวกสบายที่สุด จุดเด่นของ Hytexts.. Hytexts eBook Store is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 55.55 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.7/5 by 539.12k users || Free ||

Listen to thousands of live radio stations, tune in to podcasts and stream unlimited music playlists for any mood or activity, all in one app. The iHeartRadio app for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch is easy to use and best of all, it's FREE.. iHeart is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 126.23 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

DJ Mixer

Rated 4.5/5 by 129.63k users || Free ||

edjing Mix is a virtual DJ pro that allows you to mix music like a true DJ. With its turntable interface and DG technology, you can easily create mashups and song mixes like a pro.. DJ Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 402.27 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Rated 5/5 by 2 people || $4.99 ||

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is a music theory tool for musicians exploring jazz and a variety of music styles that incorporate musical modes. For a beginner version of Circle of Fifths, check out our Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 edition, where you can explore major keys and relative minor keys.. Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 15.87 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

mPV Course Exploring The Mixer

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $6.99 ||

The Pro Tools mixer is legendary –and mixing in Pro Tools is a required skill for anyone who wants to make it in the recording business. Learn all about basic mixing, signal flow and automation in this Pro Tools 10, Avid Learning Partner tutorial: Exploring the Mixer.. mPV Course Exploring The Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 547.99 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Tiny Piano

Rated 4.6/5 by 6.57k users || Free ||

The easiest way to play piano. Play with your eyes closed and fool your friends.. Tiny Piano is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 21.85 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 24.09 million users || Free ||

With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. Stream music and podcasts, discover albums, playlists or even single songs for free on your mobile or tablet.. Spotify is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 128.31 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 8.91 million users || Free ||

Create stations from your favorite songs, artists or genres, search or browse to find recommended stations for your mood or activity, and discover podcasts that speak to you. Download today and get instant access to your favorite artists and podcasts, while staying up to date on the most recent singles and releases.. Pandora is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 205.67 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.9/5 by 6.54 million users || Free ||

Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free.. Shazam is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 41.15 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.71 million users || Free ||

"Best free music player app and I’ve tried all of them" - FaisalBeanzi "Best music experience I have used on the App Store to date. " - Lupini66444 Musi lets you bookmark and organize your favourite music videos, build playlists, share with friends, and more.. Musi is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 29.90 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.36 million users || Free ||

Enjoy ad-free music, live sports, original talk, entertainment shows, & more on SiriusXM. Catch the latest Howard Stern episodes, exclusive comedy and podcasts, and US & world news with SiriusXM Streaming.. SiriusXM is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 295.33 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Amazon Music

Rated 4.7/5 by 1.95 million users || Free ||

We're changing the way you discover and play the music you love. Listen free to music and podcasts with ads—no credit card required.. Amazon Music is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 108.05 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.34 million users || Free ||

Audiomack is the GLOBAL streaming music app that lets you download and offline the hottest albums, songs, mixtapes and playlists. Discover buzzing new songs by browsing our trending page and get the latest music updates by following your favorite artists.. Audiomack is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 118.47 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

YouTube Music

Rated 4.8/5 by 945.21k users || Free ||

Connecting you to the world of music: ● More than 70 million official songs ● Music content including live performances, covers, remixes and music content you can’t find elsewhere ● Thousands of curated playlist across many genres and activities Get personalized music, perfect for every moment: ● Personalized playlists and Mixes ● Activity mixes made for you ● Create playlists with song suggestions or collaborate with other music fans to create the perfect playlist ● Neatly organized Library to see all of your liked and added songs, playlists you created, and artists you subscribed to Stay on top of the trend and discover new music: ● Check out new releases ● Discover music based genres (Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Dance & Electronic, Blues, Indie & Alternative, Jazz, Kpop, Latin, Rock, and more) ● Discover music based mood (Chill, Feel Good, Energy Booster, Sleep, Focus, Romance, Workout, Commute, Party) ● Explore top charts from all over the world Enhanced your listening experience with unique features: ● Song lyrics so you can sing along to your favorites ● Upload songs from your devices so you can enjoy them in one place with YouTube Music ● Listen on your phone, desktop, smart speaker, smart TV, car, smart watch and within your favorite apps. ● Compatible with Google Maps, Waze, Google Assistant, and more.. YouTube Music is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 160.00 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

TuneIn Radio

Rated 4.8/5 by 845.26k users || Free ||

HEAR WHAT MATTERS TO YOU With TuneIn, stream local AM/FM stations (plus 100,000+ global stations) on all your devices, plus live news, game-winning sports coverage, music for every mood, podcasts for every passion, and more. HEAR YOUR WORLD Your Radio.. TuneIn Radio is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 85.16 MB.

alternatives to Jamendo In-Store Radio

Sonos S1 Controller

Rated 4.7/5 by 792.15k users || Free ||

This app controls systems that include the earliest Sonos products: Zone Players, Play:5 (Gen 1), Bridge, Connect (Gen 1) and Connect:Amp (Gen 1) Easily control your system. Adjust volume levels, group rooms, save favorites, set alarms, and more.. Sonos S1 Controller is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 115.91 MB.
