So Kham Benh alternatives

29 So Kham Benh Alternatives

    Published by VietCAS

  • License: Free | Updated: 2019-08-14 | Current Version: 6.6 | File Size: 42.17 MB

Apps Similar to So Kham Benh

What are the best Apps most similar So Kham Benh? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to So Kham Benh on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Từ điển thuốc, bệnh và B.Viện

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Ứng dung là là tổng hợp các nội dung về tây y, bao gồm: Từ điển thuốc: giúp bạn truy cập thông tin về các loại thuốc lưu hành tại Việt Nam. Với Từ điển thuốc bạn có thể tra cứu nhanh chóng nhiều thông tin như: thành phần thuốc, hướng dẫn sử dụng, liều lượng, tác dụng phụ của thuốc, v.. Từ điển thuốc, bệnh và B.Viện is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 13.50 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.8/5 by 608.44k users || Free ||

GoodRx is a free pharmacy coupons app that helps millions of Americans save money on pills, prescription drugs & medical costs. Our coupon finder helps find the best price on affordable prescriptions, medications & drugs you can’t find on other medication apps.. GoodRx is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 77.51 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Teladoc Health

Rated 4.8/5 by 404.85k users || Free ||

Teladoc Health connects you with complete care, at your convenience and an affordable cost. You’ll find what you need to get well—like 24/7 care—alongside primary care, therapy and programs proven to keep you well.. Teladoc Health is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 79.86 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.8/5 by 249.41k users || Free ||

Leafly is the world's #1 cannabis resource and weed app. Use Leafly to find dispensaries near you, review strains, or order weed delivery.. Leafly is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 111.10 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.9/5 by 228.71k users || Free ||

Need help navigating the cannabis universe. Weedmaps is your convenient and complete guide to cannabis - your one-stop shop for cannabis information and the latest industry news & laws.. Weedmaps is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 149.78 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.6/5 by 179.79k users || Free ||

MyChart puts your health information in the palm of your hand and helps you conveniently manage care for yourself and your family members. With MyChart you can: • Communicate with your care team.. MyChart is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 92.01 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Sổ tiêm chủng gia đình

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

Sổ Tiêm Chủng Gia Đình là ứng dụng chính thức của Bộ Y tế với sứ mệnh thay thế hoàn toàn sổ tiêm chủng truyền thống, cung cấp nhiều tiện ích giúp cho các bậc cha mẹ dễ dàng quản lý, theo dõi thông tin tiêm chủng các thành viên trong gia đình. TÍNH NĂNG CHÍNH: + Quản lý không giới hạn thông tin các thành viên gia đình + Theo dõi chi tiết l.. Sổ tiêm chủng gia đình is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

Are you suffering from Cancer, a Rare disease, Chronic pain, Depression and/or Smoking addiction. PerSoN Clinic is a comprehensive approach to managing your condition using real-time condition tracking, PerSoN Community, a Private Virtual Circle Support System, and a Daily Journal.. PerSoNClinic is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

So. California Physicians Managed Care Services

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

With the Southern California Physicians Managed Care Services app, you can quickly and easily search SCPMCS physicians by name, hospital and specialty. About SCPMCS: Southern California Physicians Managed Care Services (SCPMCS) is a physician-governed, management services organization providing fully delegated, managed care administrative and management services to physician group clients across San Diego and Imperial Countie.. So. California Physicians Managed Care Services is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

Deze mobiele app dient ter ondersteuning van de extramurale dienst 'PIT' van het UZB. Hierin staat informatie voor de 'Standing Orders' gebruikt door verpleegkundigen binnen dit PIT-project.. VUB PITapp is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

PerSoNClinic Trial

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

Are you suffering from Cancer, a Rare disease, Chronic pain, Depression and/or Smoking addiction. PerSoN Clinic is a comprehensive approach to managing your condition using real-time condition tracking, PerSoN Community, a Private Virtual Circle Support System, and a Daily Journal.. PerSoNClinic Trial is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Hồ sơ sức khoẻ

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

Quản lý sức khoẻ Hồ sơ sức khoẻ tại bệnh viện Quận Thủ Đức - Đặt lịch khám online. - Thanh toán tiền khám online.. Hồ sơ sức khoẻ is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

SO Aide est une application pour les patients en hémodialyse à domicile utilisant le cycleur NxStage (System One® ou System One S®). Son développement est indépendant de NxStage Medical Inc et ne remplace pas le manuel d’utilisation.. SOaide is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh Đặt lịch khám Online

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

"Tra cứu thông tin bác sĩ, phòng khám. Đặt lịch hẹn khám Online tiện lợi Những lợi ích của ứng dụng Layso.. Đặt lịch khám Online is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

PLOT SO ambulanciers

Rated 4/5 by 44 people || Free ||

De Staande Orders en Procedures uitgebracht door de Nationale Raad voor de dringende geneeskundige hulpverlening Je mag deze toevertrouwde handelingen enkel stellen als je als hulpverlener-ambulancier dit doet binnen de situaties beschreven in de staande orders en hiertoe de nodige opleiding hebt gehad. .. PLOT SO ambulanciers is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.9/5 by 364 people || $1.99 ||

Simple app for tracking breast milk storage. Easily inventory your pumped breastmilk in your fridge, freezer or deep freeze.. DairyBar is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 78.84 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Hatzalah Global Assist

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Hatzalah Global's new app enables you to easily call Hatzalah Global in case of an emergency. Hatzalah Global's call-takers will endeavor to assist.. Hatzalah Global Assist is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 20.53 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Alto Pharmacy

Rated 4.9/5 by 5.25k users || Free ||

Alto is the #1-rated pharmacy that’s focused on you- with free hand-delivery, easy-to-reach pharmacists, and automatic savings investigations always at your fingertips. Download our app or get started at alto.. Alto Pharmacy is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 64.22 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Weight & Height Gain Tips 2019

Rated 3.5/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Do you feel that you are shorter comparatively your friends and family. Do you feel to get some few more inches in your height.. Weight & Height Gain Tips 2019 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 11.46 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

( Tetamman ) تطمن

Rated 2.7/5 by 276 people || Free ||

تطبيق تطمن هو تطبيق إلكتروني تابع لوزارة الصحة في المملكة العربية السعودية، ويهدف التطبيق إلى تعزيز التزام جميع من تم توجيههم للعزل الصحي ومتابعة حالتهم الصحية باستمرار، ويقدم التطبيق العديد من الخدمات المختلفة لجميع المستخدمين مثل حجز موعد لإجراء فحص فيروس كورونا وغيره من الخدمات المتنوعة. الخدمات المقدمة من التطبيق: 1.. ( Tetamman ) تطمن is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 165.12 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound

Rated 4.3/5 by 2.86k users || Free ||

Experience with us the fascination of newly emerged life. Watch wonderful ultrasound videos of babies in different weeks of pregnancy.. ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 660.51 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

PetCoach by Petco

Rated 4.6/5 by 218 people || Free ||

PetCoach is the leading source of trusted veterinary advice. Ask questions about your pet's health, nutrition, behavior, or any other topic, and obtain timely answers from verified veterinarians and other pet experts.. PetCoach by Petco is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 77.92 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Oxford Handbook of Cardiology

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Download this app to purchase the content from of Oxford Handbook of Cardiology, Second Edition from Oxford University Press, and developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’s patented technology.. Oxford Handbook of Cardiology is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 4.31 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Baby Tracker

Rated 4.8/5 by 179.37k users || Free ||

Baby Tracker features native user interface for both iPhone and iPad, and is the only log for your baby’s health that allows syncing among multiple devices without compromising your privacy. Designed by busy parents, for busy parents, Baby Tracker offers a simple, streamlined way to track your baby’s daily habits, health, and exciting “firsts” of those precious early days and months.. Baby Tracker is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 96.46 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

PulsePoint Respond

Rated 4.8/5 by 158.46k users || Free ||

PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected mobile app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is needed nearby. If you’re trained in CPR and are willing to assist in an emergency, the app will alert you if someone near you is having a cardiac emergency and may need CPR.. PulsePoint Respond is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 23.94 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Sydney Health

Rated 4.8/5 by 150.70k users || Free ||

Use the Sydney™ Health app to find care, share your digital ID card, and check your claims. You can understand your benefits, improve your health, and save money.. Sydney Health is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 187.58 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh


Rated 4.8/5 by 144.71k users || Free ||

Doximity helps over 2 million healthcare professionals take the friction out of everyday challenges that are unique to clinicians. The tools you already use, conveniently in one place and designed to make your life a little bit easier.. Doximity is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 165.48 MB.

alternatives to So Kham Benh

Telehealth by SimplePractice

Rated 4.7/5 by 131.77k users || Free ||

Attend your appointment without leaving your home or office, or car, or private outdoor spot. With Telehealth by SimplePractice, clients and clinicians can participate in 100% secure, HIPAA-compliant therapy sessions from anywhere.. Telehealth by SimplePractice is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 41.43 MB.
