友行 一 欧洲华人门户 alternatives

38 友行 一 欧洲华人门户 Alternatives


  • License: Free | Updated: 2020-07-30 | Current Version: 5.1 | File Size: 64.70 MB

Apps Similar to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

What are the best Apps most similar 友行 一 欧洲华人门户? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户 on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

读一本好书,可以让人改变人对生活的看法;读一本好书,可以滋养人的心灵;读一本好书,可以改变人生道路的方向. .. 必读名著60部 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 58.68 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.1/5 by 10 people || Free ||

Smart ID photo-Ideal Photo for an Impressive You. Examination certificate registration certificate photo making platform.. 智能证件照-一寸照换底的好看证件照制作软件 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 29.91 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

一周计划 · MyWeek

Rated 4.9/5 by 321 people || Free ||

「MyWeek·一周计划」是一个帮助你计划每周时间安排的超精致应用,每周五晚上看 Big Bang. 周二看电影.. 一周计划 · MyWeek is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 71.42 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.8/5 by 654 people || Free ||

◤ 最實用的發票對獎器 ◢ 把數位消費變簡單!發票存摺結合最實用的發票管理工具,包含傳統長條發票、電子發票、雲端發票、載具發票掃描、發票明細查詢、最新統一發票中獎號碼、發票兌獎獎金自動匯入、雲端發票自動對獎、QRcode 掃描自動對獎、手動對獎、發票載具管理、手機條碼電子載具、發票分類紀錄、發票明細、消費數據分析及店家會員卡管理等功能,輕鬆簡單又快速的進行發票對獎與發票整合管理! 支援生活繳費,電信費、水費、停車費、信用卡費,還可以歸戶悠遊卡、一卡通、信用卡、中華電信、水電費、電商網購等載具,使用發票存摺不再怕與獎金擦身而過。 ◤ 存發票享回饋 ◢ 好康優惠領不完,發票存摺自動化推薦系統,掃描存入發票就可得到專屬優惠與任務!專櫃保養試用品、保健母嬰試用品、品牌合作優惠等,完成專屬任務集金幣,還能換超商咖啡、零食、Line Points 等超值獎品,讓你不只對發票還能省荷包。 ---- 發票存摺完整功能介紹 ---- ◤ 嗶嗶嗶掃描發票超流暢 ◢ 簡潔俐落的操作介面,掃描發票時不會跳出動畫及廣告,讓您一張接一張嗶嗶嗶就把統一發票對完囉! ◤ 咻咻咻傳統發票超也能掃 ◢ 發票存摺也支援傳統發票掃描,不論是傳統長條發票、電子發票、雲端發票、載具發票,只要使用文字辨識就能掃進傳統發票,若QRcode有折損或是不清楚,也可以用文字辨識對獎! ◤ 掃發票禮物優惠領滿滿 ◢ 獨創的個人化推薦,存入發票就能領到對應的通路優惠券,趕快把發票存進來試試看!點點滴滴都有回饋。 ● 手機條碼載具 在結帳時出示手機條碼給店員掃描,或是使用您歸戶的載具進行消費,就可以將發票存在電子載具中。電子發票無紙化,環保又方便管理,待店家上傳消費資料後,就可以在「發票存摺」查詢到每筆電子發票紀錄,做到真正的雲端發票管理。 ● 手動輸入新增發票 條碼污損無法掃描的電子發票以及傳統長條發票都可以透過手動輸入新增,傳統發票無法取得交易明細的發票,也可以在發票存摺新增備註,避免忘記發票消費內容。 ◤ 對獎與兌獎全面自動化 ◢ ● 設定載具發票領獎帳戶 在App裡完成領獎帳戶設定,不論是存在手機條碼裡面的中獎發票,還是存在已經歸戶的載具裡面的中獎發票,獎金都會自動匯入指定的銀行帳戶!再也不用去超商多媒體事務機(ibon、FamiPort等)列印發票領獎囉! ● 載具發票匯入推播通知 載具發票匯入App時,會即時推播通知您,再也不用擔心發票漏掉了!也可以在會員頁面進行推播通知的開關設定。 ● 設定愛心碼公益更容易 詳列愛心碼捐贈單位名單,使用者可以在手機條碼頁面自由切換成愛心碼,在消費的時候直接捐贈發票,讓順手捐發票更方便。 ● 最新統一發票開獎號碼自動更新 每單月25日統一發票中獎號碼開出,對獎程式將自動更新最新中獎號碼,更新後即可離線免連網路進行發票對獎唷!App內也可以查詢近兩期中華民國統一發票中獎號碼單,隨時供您比對使用。 ◤ 載具歸戶一把罩 ◢ ● 卡片、電商載具歸戶設定 可在APP內將悠遊卡、一卡通、信用卡、電商帳號(PChome線上購物、Udn買東西、friDay購物以及東森購物等發票)載具進行歸戶設定,歸戶到您的手機條碼底下,歸戶設定完成後,電子票證或電商帳號所開立的發票都會直接匯入載具,掌握最全面的消費發票。 ● 水費發票歸戶功能 透過掃描已繳費帳單上的載具類別和載具編號將水費發票歸戶到條碼底下,不怕錯過千萬大獎的中獎機會! ● 跨境電商歸戶功能 跨境電商也開始開立發票囉!包含Apple Store, Agoda 都可以透過將電子信箱帳號歸戶,就可以在發票存摺中查詢跨境電商所開立的發票! ● 便利的載具管理功能 可以在App內進行載具名稱編輯、調整排序以及刪除載具的操作,管理載具更方便。 ◤ 會員卡全掌握 ◢ 在App內存入各個店家的會員卡條碼,消費時就可以開啟App同時掃描手機條碼與會員卡條碼,不只存發票又可以累積點數!兩種條碼皆提供 Widget 桌面小工具,也能夠透過圖片分享給親朋好友會員卡條碼,不只節省荷包空間,出門也不用再擔心忘記帶會員卡! ◤ 一鍵輕鬆繳費 ◢ 使用活期存款來繳交學雜費、信用卡、電信卡、水費帳單、停車費、汽機車燃料使用費和e-tag儲值囉!繳費完不要忘記歸戶發票喔! ◤ 懶人記帳與消費分析 ◢ ● 雲端發票紀錄,管理你的消費記錄 不管是掃描過的紙本發票,還是載具裡面的電子發票,都自動儲存在「發票存摺」裡面,按照月份區分統計,讓你的消費記錄一目瞭然,查詢、記帳都方便。 ● 發票明細查詢功能 可以在「發票存摺」裡面查詢每一張統一發票的消費明細,也可以透過輸入關鍵字來搜尋店名/品名的發票!包含您已經做載具歸戶的悠遊卡、一卡通 、中華電信、水電費、家樂福會員卡、信用卡、icash及Yahoo、PChome、MoMo. .. 發票存摺+統一發票對獎機 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 189.37 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Koki咯叽,全新的视频交友方式,开启视频社交新时代,快来快来,交个志同道合的朋友,请你不要拒绝我 1. 随机视频1分钟即时交友 2.. KOKI柯基-和TA一起玩游戏吧 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 73.30 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 3.4/5 by 8 people || Free ||

360免费WiFi是360公司打造的精品应用,是2亿用户喜爱的免费上网工具,更是手机必备的万能WiFi管家软件。全新版本升级,功能更强大:公共热点一键免费连,家中WiFi轻松防蹭网,随时随地,安全上网! ——主要功能—— 1. 手机上打开WiFi列表,上亿WiFi热点一键免费连,无需密码,轻松连接 2.. 360免费WiFi-一键连接WiFi的安全管家 is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 50.13 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 2/5 by 0 users || Free ||

1、超过20个特色直播频道,专业团队为你打造不一样的直播内容; 2、内容超丰富!论得了新闻大事,hold得住美女屌丝,教得了美容养生,喷得了八卦文娱,播得了影视动漫,玩得转旅游美食,评得了汽车体育,演的了综艺短剧,手机视频24小时快乐不停播; 3、产品没有广告!速度超快,功能超简,点开即播; 4、每日热点模块,天天更新,专业小编妹妹倾情推送; 5、是起床、洗澡、吃饭、偷懒、厕所、睡前的必备良品;.. 手机视频-不一样的直播内容。新闻、美女、娱乐、购物、游戏、动漫、体育、写真、时尚、车、综艺、电影、电视剧、TV、电视台 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 20.95 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

最新! 下载:WOAO必考词汇大全 https://itunes. apple.. 背单词·高中英语必修第一册Unit1(WOAO高中英语) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 25.44 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.6/5 by 247 people || Free ||

淘宝天猫商品购物车商品用一淘下单,享返利/立减,最高立省90%! 还帮你发现“同款优惠”、获取商品历史折扣信息、并及时提醒降价。 更有“今日超划算”、“品牌特卖”享官方补贴;一淘“大牌日”领专享优惠券;每天做任务,兑大额红包。 逛一淘,省更多! 【产品特色】 1、淘宝账号通用,无需单独注册,同步淘宝/天猫海量商品。 2、淘宝、天猫优惠一网打尽, 更叠加一淘专享各类优惠。 3、优惠雷达、比价工具,不仅避免买贵,更帮你发现更多优惠。 4、小二精选货品,享官方补贴,让你跟着买,省更多。 5、不止省钱还赚钱,每天签到领钱,做任务攒能量,可兑大额红包,购物直接抵扣。 【联系我们】 新浪微博:一淘网 微信公众号: 一淘特卖 支付宝小程序:一淘特卖 意见问题反馈:一淘app-我的-意见反馈.. 一淘-阿里巴巴旗下好物省钱平台 is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 161.33 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.9/5 by 11.70 million users || Free ||

Get where you’re going with Lyft. Whether you’re catching a flight, going out for the night, commuting to the office, or running errands in a rush, the Lyft app offers you multiple ways to get there.. Lyft is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 349.91 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Southwest Airlines

Rated 4.8/5 by 5.30 million users || Free ||

Book a flight in just a few easy steps Check in, change or cancel your flights. Plus, add extras like EarlyBird Check-In®.. Southwest Airlines is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 129.73 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

United Airlines

Rated 4.8/5 by 4.88 million users || Free ||

Say hello to our redesigned United app. With our everchanging environment and the need more than ever to empower our customers with more ability to self-serve and stay informed, we’ve worked to enhance our United app to deliver information more consistently, timelier and easier than before for all users – all while keeping many of the same features you know and love.. United Airlines is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 278.25 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Fly Delta

Rated 4.8/5 by 4.76 million users || Free ||

Welcome to Fly Delta, Delta’s award winning iOS app. With our dynamic Today screen which provides quick access to your boarding pass and other important day-of-travel information, Fly Delta makes travel easier than ever before.. Fly Delta is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 227.57 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.8/5 by 3.56 million users || Free ||

We’re committed to your safety at Uber. We’ve established a Door-to-Door Safety Standard to help you feel safe every time you ride.. Uber is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 305.37 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Tours & Travel

Rated 5/5 by 669 people || Free ||

Planning your trip is simpler than ever. With Tours & Travel you will get: - +5,000 FREE Travel Guides - Street Maps - Public Transportation Maps - Daily itineraries for top destinations worldwide - Tours and activities around you - Augmented Reality to see whats near you - Local recommendations - Real activities trusted reviews This is just a small sample of the free travel guides that we cover worldwide: North America: .. Tours & Travel is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

WE.travel AeC

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

Este Apps visa a propiciar um canal entre a WE. travel e os colaboradores da AeC para que possam desfrutar de serviços na área de turismo e lazer.. WE.travel AeC is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

A modern way to communicate with our guests with this application you can read about our city and our hotel even before your travel has began after your stay at our hotel you can -order foods from our restaurants and coffeeshops -request wakeup service -book a table from restaurant or coffeeshop -request room services like charging your minibar -. .. AeHotel is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

History of Cyclades The Cyclades are one of the Greek island groups that constitute the Aegean archipelago, southeast of the mainland Greece. Cyclades, because of their geographical position, between mainland, Asia and Africa were - during their history - the bridge for the development of commerce and civilization.. eCyclades is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

CrewEyes Servicios a bordo

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

Descarga esta aplicación pensada para compartir los momentos que vives por ser de Air Europa. Desde aquí podrás consultar todas las Newsletters de la compañía buscándolas cómodamente por fecha.. CrewEyes Servicios a bordo is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

No Surge

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

‘No Surge’ is a ride-share app for your local minicab operators. It’s a smart, simple and better way to grab a local cab without any eye-watering surge price in the UK.. No Surge is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

50p Trip

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

‘50pTrip’ is a ride-share app for your local minicab operators. It’s a smart, simple and better way to grab a local cab without any eye-watering surge price in the UK.. 50p Trip is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Call A Cab Luton

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

Call a Cab Luton (CaCL) specially designed for Luton, Bedfordshire residents in the United Kingdom. It makes easy to get a cab wherever you stay in Bedfordshire.. Call A Cab Luton is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Call A Cab London

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

‘Call A Cab London’ is a ride-share app for your local minicab operators. It’s a smart, simple and better way to grab a local cab without any eye-watering surge price in the UK.. Call A Cab London is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

ARA Buddy

Rated 4/5 by 5 people || $0.99 ||

Learn new Arabic words and phrases in a game manner. A word or phrase is accompanied by three different versions in English.. ARA Buddy is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 2.6/5 by 10 people || Free ||

Pair your mobile device with your hotel room TV when you travel. Available at thousands of hotels across North America.. stayconnect is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 1.97 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Sheffield Wiki Guide

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Sheffield Wiki Guide shows you all of the locations in Sheffield, England that have a Wikipedia page. View the locations on a map or in a list sorted by distance to your location and then view the associated Wikipedia article.. Sheffield Wiki Guide is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 6.93 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Port Shopping Guide Caribbean

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Never miss a deal with the new Port Shopping Guide app and take your cruise vacation to the next level. You’ll have access to all of the exclusive deals available in every port of call in the Caribbean and the Bahamas, with an in-depth list of the stores that are part of the Port Shopping guarantee, which means you can shop with confidence.. Port Shopping Guide Caribbean is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 19.78 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Museum, Mosque and Nearest Synagogue Finder

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Find the nearest Museum in seconds. This handy app quickly identifies your location and lets you choose the nearest museum.. Museum, Mosque and Nearest Synagogue Finder is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 8.75 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Bangkok Travel Guide .

Rated 4.6/5 by 139 people || Free ||

SPECIAL FEATURES - AUGMENTED REALITY - AR - STOP CARRYING BOOK GUIDES. .. Bangkok Travel Guide . is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 157.04 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.5/5 by 17.36k users || Free ||

We hack the system, you fly for less. Tired of cross-checking websites, dates, flights and destinations when planning a trip.. Kiwi.com is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 120.33 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

United Kingdom Travel Guide by Triposo

Rated 4.5/5 by 6 people || Free ||

The United Kingdom Travel guide offers you complete and up to date city guides for London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Belfast and more, but also in depth information on smaller towns England, Wales, Scotland and Nothern Ireland. Features of the United Kingdom Travel Guide: * This free app brings you city guides for over 100 cities in The UK including London, Edinburgh and Cardiff.. United Kingdom Travel Guide by Triposo is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 1.92 GB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.6/5 by 93.30k users || Free ||

Discover the convenience of traveling with Amtrak. With the Amtrak app you can get simple and intuitive access to all the travel information you need, whenever you need it.. Amtrak is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 80.58 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.78 million users || Free ||

The Expedia app is your all-in-one travel companion, making it fast, easy, and convenient to find and save on all your amazing adventures ahead. Dreaming of a beach vacation in Florida.. Expedia is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 111.49 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

My Disney Experience

Rated 4.6/5 by 1.96 million users || Free ||

The official Walt Disney World® app. Now it’s easier than ever to plan & share your vacation details—at home & on the go.. My Disney Experience is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 296.18 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户

Hilton Honors

Rated 4.9/5 by 1.88 million users || Free ||

The Hilton Honors app has everything you need for the perfect vacation. Book a hotel, earn rewards, plan your trip, and so much more — plus, it's free.. Hilton Honors is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 352.17 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.9/5 by 1.70 million users || Free ||

You have places to be and people to see. Get there easily and on time with an emissions-free Lime e-bike or e-scooter.. Lime is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 172.42 MB.

alternatives to 友行 一 欧洲华人门户


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.39 million users || Free ||

Our app is even more rewarding for Hotels. com® Rewards members.. Hotels.com is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 105.62 MB.
