Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||
The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary is an English translation of the Qur'an by Indian Muslim civil servant Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1872–1953). It has become among the most widely known English translations of the Qur'an, due in part to its prodigious use of footnotes, and its distribution and subsidization from Saudi Arabian beneficiaries during the 20th century.. The Quran (Yusuf English Translation) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 8.41 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 22.68k users || Free ||
NO adverts. NO subscriptions.. iQuran is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 199.40 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 140 people || Free ||
Al-Quran-ul-Kareem Application Technology: In order to facilitate Islamic brothers, the IT department of Dawat-e-Islami has developed this application for iOS devices. Description: Being a guide to the humanity, the Holy Quran can, now, be recited through this application.. Al-Quran-ul-Kareem is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 63.31 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 201 people || Free ||
Introducing a highly optimised, full of features and searchable Holy Quran application for iPhone, iPod Touch and IPad. alQuran allows you to read the entire Holy Quran and its translations and commentary in various languages.. alQuran is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 19.04 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 5 people || Free ||
The Holy QURAN, القرآن الكريم "Read, study and spread the word of Allah. " FEATURES: + All Free, it is 100% free to download and to use.. QURAN القرآن الكريم (Koran) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 36.53 MB.
Rated 4.6/5 by 674 people || Free ||
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم قال تعالى: { ذَلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لاَ رَيْبَ فِيهِ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ} وقال تعالى: { الر ۚ كِتَابٌ أنزلناه إِلَيْكَ لِتُخْرِجَ الناس مِنَ الظلمات إِلَى النور بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ إلى صِرَاطِ العزيز الحميد } صدق الله العظيم يسرنا أن نقدم لكم هذا تطبيق القرآن آملين من المولى عز وجل أن يتقبله منا ويجعله في ميزان حسناتنا وحسناتكم. إن هذا التطبيق يحتوي على العديد من الميزات والخصائص نذكر منها: - يساعد على حفظ القرآن.. Alquran Alkareem-القرآن الكريم is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 112.82 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 745 people || Free ||
Comprehensive and free Qur'an App without ads NEW: Qibla Compass, Prayer Times with beautiful Azans, Transliteration * Complete English translation with the option of having the original Arabic text shown * iPad version--optimized for tablets, with up to three columns side-by-side * Tafseer (Commentary) of each chapter and of about 1500 selected verses (by various scholars around the world of no sect and no particular school of thought) * 10 different recitations including English (by Imam Benjamin Bilal) and by great Arabic reciters like Maher Al-Muaiqly, Said Al Ghamdi, Abul Basit, Muhammad Ayyoub, Mishary Alafasy, Muhammad Al-Minshawi and more. * Instantly stream audio or download mp3 files onto your device for offline use * Control playback using the lock screen or control center player buttons and listen to recitations while the screen is off or the app is in the background * Full-text search including searching for exact search terms in "quotes" * Unlimited bookmarks with note and share function, sort bookmarks by Surah/Verse number or date it was added * iCloud sync of your Quran reading achievements and your bookmarks (click on sync button on the bottom of bookmark screen to back up your verses and notes through iCloud).. The Holy Quran is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 161.74 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 4 people || Free ||
Quran Tajweed allows you to read the entire Holy Quran and its translations and commentary in various languages. Listen to verse by verse recitation and recitations of various other famous reciters.. Quran Tajweed with Tafseer and Audio القرآن الكريم مصحف is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 290.97 MB.
Rated 3.7/5 by 3 people || Free ||
Mushaf Tajweed allows you to read the entire Holy Quran and its translations and commentary in various languages. Listen to verse by verse recitation and recitations of various other famous reciters.. Mushaf Tajweed is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 292.10 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Eqra'a is a simple and easy-to-use Quran reader for everyone. إقرأ هو تطبيق لقراءة القرآن الكريم، بسيط وسهل الإستخدام ويعمل بكفائة عالية ، متوفر باللغة العربية والإنجليزية واليابانية.. Eqra’a Quran Al Kareem-القرآن الكريم is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 290.41 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 1.43k users || Free ||
Pleco is the ultimate Chinese learning companion: an integrated dictionary / document reader / flashcard system with fullscreen handwriting input and live OCR, from a company that's been making the world's best mobile Chinese learning apps since 2001. Major features: ($ = paid add-on) • Amazing dictionaries.. Pleco Chinese Dictionary is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 130.76 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 332 people || Free ||
Chinese characters is difficult to write for beginner. This app help you lookup Chinese characters with strokes order and master your writing skill.. Chinese Stroke Order Writing is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 398.50 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 868 people || Free ||
Perfect tool for your study of the Chinese language or your visit to China. Detailed features: Search: Includes the data of the CC-CEDIT, HanDeDict and CFDict dictionaries with over 100,000 entries each.. KTdict Chinese Dictionary is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 121.04 MB.
Rated 1/5 by 0 users || Free ||
This is Indonesian - Chinese Traditional and Chinese Traditional - Indonesian dictionary; Kamus Indonesia - Mandarin (Aks. Tradisional) dan Mandarin (Aks.. Indonesian Chinese Traditional dictionary is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 32.77 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
POINT THE CAMERA AND TRANSLATE . Grab the english words with the cam and the App translates them into Chinese.. English Chinese Dictionary Cam Free 英汉词典 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 49.29 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
This app is for native Mandarin speakers wishing to instantly speak English travel phrases. Join over 4 million people who use Odyssey Translator.. Free Mandarin Chinese to English (UK) Travel Phrasebook | Odyssey Translator is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 44.72 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 11 people || Free ||
FEATURES ** The only app on the App Store with Online / Offline Dictionaries, Translate with Instant Text To Speech, Translation, Transliteration / Romanization ** TRANSLATE & SPEAK & HIGHLIGHT + Arabic (Saudi Arabia) with transliteration + Chinese (Mandarin) with Pinyin + Czech (Czech Republic) + Danish (Denmark) + Dutch (Netherlands) + German (Germany) + Greek (Greece) with transliteration + English (United States) + Finnish (Finland) + French (France) + Hebrew (Israel) (iOS 8 or higher) with transliteration + Hindi (India) with transliteration + Hungarian (Hungary) + Indonesian (Indonesia) + Italian (Italy) + Japanese (Japan) with Romaji + Korean (South Korea) with Hangul + Norwegian (Norway) + Polish (Poland) + Portuguese (Brazil) + Romanian (Romania) + Russian (Russia) with transliteration + Slovak (Slovakia) + Spanish (Mexico) + Swedish (Sweden) + Thai (Thailand) with transliteration + Turkish (Turkey) ONLINE DICTIONARY + 49 languages to English and vice versa + English-English dictionary with definitions and examples for 147,478 words and phrases + Web Explanation available for multiple languages + Word synonyms and translations for multiple languages + Auto suggestions for both online and offline dictionaries + Fast, accurate and multiple definitions + Tapping words in definitions links to their own definition (Dictionary tab) + Swap languages + Share definition via email + Add to starred + Open links to Wikipedia, WordNet, etc. if available OFFLINE DICTIONARY + Multi Lang Dictionary Reader works for 51 downloadable offline dictionaries including: * English to English, Arabic, Hindi, Persian, Urdu; * Bilingual between English and Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Welsh * Bilingual between German and Russian + Fuzzy Search in offline dictionaries + Swap languages + Share via email + Add to starred WIKTIONARY + 23 languages, including with detailed explanations + Auto suggestions for both online and offline dictionaries + Uses the community built Wiktionary + Word of the Day + Etymology, pronunciation, etc.. Multi Lang Dictionary and Translator + Text to Speech with English Spanish Chinese French German Korean Russian and more! is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 7.17 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
This is Dutch - Chinese Traditional and Chinese Traditional - Dutch dictionary. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection.. Dutch Chinese Traditional dictionary is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 32.79 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Offline Traditional Chinese to English Dictionary, Translation - Over 120,000 entries. - Bi-directional - Simple search screen.. Offline Traditional Chinese English Dictionary Translator is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.08 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
聖經繁體中文版 Bible. Chinese-Traditional Holy Bible (CUV) 《聖經和合本》(簡稱和合本;今指國語和合本,舊稱官話和合本),是今日華語人士最普遍使用的《聖經》譯本。此譯本的出版起源自1890年在上海舉行的傳教士大會,會中各差會派代表成立了三個委員會,各自負責翻譯官話(白話文)、淺文理及深文理(文言文)譯本。 《聖經》(希伯来语:ביבליה;拉丁语:Biblia,原意「書」)是猶太教與基督教(包括天主教、東正教和新教)的宗教經典。猶太教以《希伯來聖經》正统版本《塔納赫》为其经典,天主教的聖經包括舊約聖經與新約聖經,然而基督教的《聖經》全书,於馬丁路德在一五二四年重譯德文聖經時,將之砍去了十二本次經。 體系概況 因为原作者众多且内容大多口耳传抄,所以本书在各宗教团体内修订版本繁多,各宗教团体对外宣称自己修订的版本为正统。《希伯來聖經》從耶和华(或稱雅威)如何創世開始,到古時猶太人的歷史及傳說。基督教的聖經則由《舊約》和《新約》兩部分所構成的,而其《舊約聖經》與《希伯來聖經》內容大致相同,不過天主教、東正教和普世圣公宗的版本就多了數篇《塔納赫》跟基督教新教《舊約》都沒有的數篇經卷,那些經卷被新教多數教派稱為「次經」和「偽經」,《新約聖經》記載耶穌基督和其門徒的言行與早期基督教的事件紀錄。 聖經經歷長時間的編輯、千年的翻譯、流傳形成專門的「釋經學」。 抄本傳入中國經過不同朝代與翻譯,一些民初時代譯本因不同教會普遍共通使用,已形成既成譯句,一些用語已與現今用語辭意大不相同,形成詞語障礙,近年已有多個以編譯新版聖經成立的組織。.. 聖經 Chinese Traditional Holy Bible CUV Audio Verion is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 11.33 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 4.37 million users || Free ||
Relaxing by the fire or traveling — enjoy storytelling that speaks to you with Audible. Audiobooks, podcasts and Audible Originals await in an all-in-one audio entertainment app.. Audible is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 96.68 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 3.85 million users || Free ||
READ ANYTIME, ANYWHERE On the bus, on your break, in your bed—never be without a book. Kindle books you have purchased on Amazon will automatically appear in your app.. Amazon Kindle is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 141.49 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 2.22 million users || Free ||
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries.. Libby, by OverDrive is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.05 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 726.61k users || Free ||
Tap into Discovery. Instantly Read, Listen, and Watch with Your Library card.. hoopla Digital is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 44.03 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 655.11k users || Free ||
Wattpad. Where stories live.. Wattpad is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 125.95 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 1.47 million users || Free ||
PicCollage - the app that helps you make anything to celebrate everything. We designed PicCollage to be so easy, anyone can use it.. PicCollage is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 175.65 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 2 people || $2.99 ||
The most beloved Christmas story comes to life in this animated story book about the birth of Jesus. Taken directly from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the Bible, this beautifully illustrated nativity story book takes you from Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem to the story of the Three Wise men.. The Birth of Jesus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 157.31 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 15 people || $0.99 ||
Made for the iPad and now compatible with iPhone and iPod devices. One of three finalists for the 2010 DBW Publishing Innovation Awards (Children's Category) http://www.. Cozmo's Day Off is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 493.41 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 442 people || Free ||
VolcanoEbook is a perfect novel reading app, from which you can enjoy the fast reading experience. It contains martial arts novels, fantasy, urban romance, through the air, love stories, science fiction, and so on.. VolcanoEbook-Novel,Story&Read is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 90.67 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 18 people || Free ||
ENTER TRUSTORY TruStory is a debate network in which you compete with the best minds in the world. We provide a platform on which some of the most intriguing ideas and controversial topics are brought to light.. TruStory is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.75 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Bíblia Sagrada João Ferreira de Almeida. Antigo Testamento e Novo Testamento Lista de cabeças (Antigo Testamento): Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reis, II Reis, I Crônicas, II Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cântico dos Cânticos, Sabedoria, Eclesiástico, Isaías, Jeremias, Lamentações, Baruc, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oséias, Joel, Amós, Abdias, Jonas, Miquéias, Naum, Habacuc, Sofonias, Ageu, Zacarias, Malaquias Lista de cabeças (Novo Testamento): São Mateus, São Marcos, São Lucas, São João, Atos dos Apóstolos, Romanos, I Coríntios, II Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, I Tessalonicenses, II Tessalonicenses, I Timóteo, II Timóteo, Tito, Filêmon, Hebreus, São Tiago, I São Pedro, II São Pedro, I São João, II São João, III São João, São Judas, Apocalipse João Ferreira de Almeida O que se sabe hoje da vida de Almeida está registrado na Dedicatória de um de seus livros e nas atas dos presbitérios de Igrejas Reformadas do Sudeste da Ásia, para as quais trabalhou como pastor, missionário e tradutor, durante a segunda metade do século XVII.. Bíblia JFA Off-line is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.73 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 24 people || Free ||
Great app to listen to your favorite music. Download music to your dropbox and listen in-app offline.. Cloud Music is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.44 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 35 people || $2.99 ||
• Bilingual English to Spanish and Spanish to English dictionary • Spanish to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image by pointing camera to search in dictionary • Designed for student, teacher, tourist and language learners • Having thesaurus, synonyms and antonyms • Translate individual words, phrases, or whole sentences • Tap a word for cross searching • Bookmark and Recent history for instant recall • Word of the day to learn IELTS, TOEFL and SAT words • Multiple games help to improve English and Spanish vocabulary • Offline Pronunciation helps to learn words properly • Flash card and Word of the Day helps to improve vocabulary • Phrase book, Phrase of the day and Phrase Card helps to speak common phrases • Quote of the Day improves wisdom and motivation.. Spanish Dictionary Elite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 148.50 MB.
Rated 3.8/5 by 267 people || Free ||
MangaMan is a popular manga reading platform. Update every day and easy to read.. Manga Rock Pro is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 69.93 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $4.99 ||
在浩如烟海的史书古籍里,有那么一本神奇的书,围绕着它身上的谜团一直没有解开,书中讲的到底是什么?成书于何时?作者是谁?等等一系列的问题,从来都是众说纷纭,却一直没有一个令人信服的答案。 这本书就是《山海经》。 APP收录传世版本共计18卷,包括《山经》5卷,《海经》13卷。主要内容是民间传说中的地理知识,包括山川、道里、民族、物产、药物、祭祀、巫医等。保存了包括夸父逐日、精卫填海、大禹治水等相关内容在内的不少脍炙人口的远古神话传说和寓言故事。 《山海经》具有非凡的文献价值,对中国古代历史、地理、文化、中外交通、民俗、神话等的研究,均有参考。其中的矿物记录,更是世界上最早的有关文献.. 山海经-图文绘本 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 397.63 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 450.79k users || Free ||
Discover stories that matter to you, from readers like you. Goodreads is the world's largest community of readers.. Goodreads is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 101.67 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 158.16k users || Free ||
Dreame – Great Story Starts Here Hey story lovers. Come and check this out.. Dreame is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 58.85 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 139.66k users || Free ||
Your OFFICIAL source to read the world’s most popular manga, straight from Japan. ALL YOUR FAVORITE SERIES IN ONE PLACE.. Shonen Jump Manga & Comics is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 29.92 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 132.98k users || Free ||
A must-have app for library users. Easily borrow physical items using your mobile device, receive reminders, manage receipts and discover new digital content all within the cloudLibrary app.. cloudLibrary by bibliotheca is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 104.39 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 118.19k users || Free ||
المصحف الذهبي: هو أحدث تطبيقات القرآن الكريم كاملا (مصحف إلكتروني) التي تم تطويرها لخدمة المستخدم بالاستفادة من التقنيات الحديثة المتوفرة، وهو تطبيق متخصص بعرض وتحميل سور القرآن الكريم واستماعه بصورة تفاعلية ميسرة. يوظف التطبيق البيئة الجديدة على هواتف الآي فون والآيباد مما يتيح للمستخدم التفاعل مع القرآن الكريم بسهولة ويسر مع الاحتفاظ بجماليات المصحف الشريف من خطوط ونقوش دلائل الآيات والسور.. Golden Quran | المصحف الذهبي is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 209.02 MB.