Military Bible Challenge alternatives

39 Military Bible Challenge Alternatives

    Published by American Bible Society

  • License: Free | Updated: 2024-10-10 | Current Version: 4.6 | File Size: 50.09 MB

Apps Similar to Military Bible Challenge

What are the best Apps most similar Military Bible Challenge? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Military Bible Challenge on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Bible Trivia Mania

Rated 4.5/5 by 11.32k users || Free ||

Do You Know God's Word. Test Yourself, And Grow.. Bible Trivia Mania is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 6.76 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

KJV Bible Version & Apocrypha

Rated 4.8/5 by 84 people || Free ||

In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526).. KJV Bible Version & Apocrypha is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 38.12 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

World English Bible Audio Book

Rated 4.3/5 by 3 people || Free ||

The World English Bible (WEB) is a Public Domain (no copyright) Modern English translation of the Holy Bible. KEY FEATURES
.. World English Bible Audio Book is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 36.94 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Kinh Thánh (Vietnamese Holy Bible Offline Version)

Rated 4.7/5 by 23 people || Free ||

Kinh Thánh. Cựu Ước và Tân Ước (1934 Vietnamese Bible) Danh sách các chương (Cựu Ước): Saùng-theá Kyù, Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù, Leâ-vi Kyù, Daân-soá Kyù, Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù, Gioâ-sueâ, Caùc Quan Xeùt, Ru-tô, 1 Sa-mu-eân, 2 Sa-mu-eân, 1 Caùc Vua, 2 Caùc Vua, 1 Söû-kyù, 2 Söû-kyù, EÂ-xô-ra, Neâ-heâ-mi, EÂ-xô-teâ, Gioùp, Thi-thieân, Chaâm-ngoân, Truyeàân Ñaïo, Nhaõ Ca, EÂ-sai, Gieâ-reâ-mi, Ca-thöông, EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân, Ña-ni-eân, OÂ-seâGioâ-eân, A-moát, AÙp-ñia, Gioâ-na, Mi-cheâ, Na-hum, Ha-ba-cuùc, Soâ-phoâ-ni, A-gheâ, Xa-cha-ri, Ma-la-chi Danh sách các chương (Tân Ước): Ma-thi-ô, Maùc, Lu-ca, Giaêng, Coâng-vuï caùc Söù-ñoà, Roâ-ma, 1 Coâ-rinh-toâ, 2 Coâ-rinh-toâ, Ga-la-ti, EÂ-pheâ-soâ, Phi-líp, Coâ-loâ-se, 1 Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca, 2 Teâ-sa-loâ-ni-ca, 1 Ti-moâ-theâ, 2 Ti-moâ-theâ, Tít, Phi-leâ-moân, Heâ-bô-rô, Gia-cô, 1 Phi-e-rô, 2 Phi-e-rô, 1 Giaêng, 2 Giaêng, 3 Giaêng, Giu-ñe, Khaûi-huyeàn Kinh Thánh là một từ áp dụng cho các văn bản thiêng liêng của nhiều niềm tin khác nhau.. Kinh Thánh (Vietnamese Holy Bible Offline Version) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 13.21 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

The Bible Memory App

Rated 4.8/5 by 12.28k users || Free ||

The Bible Memory App is the ONLY complete, all-inclusive Bible memory system that equips you to easily MEMORIZE, ORGANIZE, & REVIEW verses on your own, customizable review schedule. You can even memorize & review verses while READING your Bible, all in one app.. The Bible Memory App is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 74.91 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Hebrew Bible Now

Rated 3.3/5 by 54 people || Free ||

With the Hebrew Bible Tanakh you can take the word of YHWH to anywhere. Hebrew Books of Tanakh: Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim Features of the Israeli Bible: - Many translations of Tanakh for you - Totally offline access to the Jewish Bible - Verse of the Day: Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim & Brit Chadasha (New Testament) - Marking of versiculos - Personal Annotations - Search verses - Share verses in social networks (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter .. Hebrew Bible Now is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 40.37 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Albert Barnes Notes (Bible Commentary)

Rated 4.8/5 by 5 people || Free ||

Albert Barnes (1798-1870) was an American theologian, born at Rome, New York, on December 1, 1798. He graduated from Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, in 1820, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1823.. Albert Barnes Notes (Bible Commentary) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 63.14 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Children's Bible (Bible Stories

Rated 3.9/5 by 58 people || Free ||

Children's Bible with 217 bible stories for kids. Contains stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament.. Children's Bible (Bible Stories is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 7.40 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.6/5 by 416 people || Free ||

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible (KJV). These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies).. Apocrypha is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 20.02 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Bible coloring book

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Bible stories as Noah's Ark, The Last Supper, the Magi from the East, Jesus and Mary and Joseph scenes. Christian game ideal for children attending catechism or simply to color and bring them closer to the Christian faith.. Bible coloring book is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 43.50 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Cold War Military Vehicles

Rated 4.9/5 by 14 people || $1.99 ||

Cold War Military Vehicles is a mini encyclopedia of the most important and influential vehicles that were used during the Cold War. This pocket compendium app contains over 330 vehicles and lets you explore at a glance: - the arrival of the main battle tank, from the post-WWII first generation concepts (Centurion, T-54/55, M47 Patton) to the second generation (AMX-30, Panzer 61/68, Leopard 1, Merkava I/II, T-64) and third generation MBTs (Leopard 2, M1 Abrams, Challenger 1, T-80), - the various design features used in light tanks (the oscillating turret of the AMX-13 and SK-105, the gun/launcher of the M551 Sheridan and the lightweight Wiesel 1 tankette form), - the diminishing presence of medium tanks (like the Israeli Shermans and the Swedish Strv 74) and heavy tanks (like the Soviet IS tanks, the British Conqueror and the American M103) on the battlefield, - the birth of the infantry fighting vehicle, leading to the famous BMP, BMD, BTR, M113 and CVR(T) families of vehicles, - the replacement of traditional tank destroyers (like the ASU-85 or Kanonenjagdpanzer) with highly mobile designs (M50 Ontos, M56 Scorpion or Type 60) and missile-armed tank hunters (IT-1, Raketenjagdpanzer or M901 ITV), - the development of the armoured car, from the post-war BRDM scout cars to the heavily armed AMX-10RC or Panhard AML and the versatile Commando Scout, - the different approaches to self-propelled artillery, from the massive 2A3 Kondensator 2P, 2B1 Oka, M107 and M110 to the more mobile M109, FV433 Abbot and Type 75 tracked vehicles and the less expensive BM-21 Grad, ASTROS II and LARS II truck-based multiple rocket launchers, - the advancements in anti-aircraft systems, from self-propelled guns (Gepard, M42 Duster, ZSU-23-4 Shilka) to surface-to-air missile platforms (2K11 Krug, AMX-30R Roland, S-300), - the use of highly specialized engineer vehicles (Centurion AVRE, M88, FV180 CET), bridgelayers (Biber, Centurion ALVB) and recovery armoured vehicles (Bergepanzer 2, Greif, FV106 Samson), - the large array of purpose-built military light vehicles, from artillery tractors, both tracked (AT-S, AT-T, MT-T, M548) and wheeled (ZiL-135, Fiat 6605 TM 69, MAZ-535/537), trucks (GAZ-66, HEMTT, M35, Unimog 404), utility vehicles (C303, Pinzgauer, GAZ-69, HMMWV, M38, UAZ-469) and special carriers (MAZ-543, Bv 202/206).. Cold War Military Vehicles is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 320.73 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

The World War II Quiz

Rated 2.8/5 by 4 people || Free ||

How well do you know the World War 2. Test your knowledge of the bigger war ever fought in history.. The World War II Quiz is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 53.25 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

World War II Military Aircraft

Rated 4.8/5 by 32 people || $1.99 ||

World War II Military Aircraft is a mini encyclopedia of the most important and influential aircraft that were used during the Second World War. This pocket compendium app contains 240 aircraft and lets you explore: - the evolution of aircraft design, from the post-WWI Polikarpov Po-2 biplane to the Gloster Meteor jet fighter, - the advancements in combat aircraft (from the Fiat CR.. World War II Military Aircraft is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 207.29 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

US Military Rank & Reference

Rated 3.6/5 by 23 people || Free ||

An Official US Navy mobile application, produced by the Navy PMW 240 Program and NETC The US Military Rank & Reference app provides a fun, easy way to learn Military ranks and insignia across all branches of the Military. As most service members know, learning how to recognize who to salute and address properly by rank or uniform insignia is an integral part of any Military career.. US Military Rank & Reference is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 30.58 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Canvas Student

Rated 4.7/5 by 2.61 million users || Free ||

Access your Canvas courses on the go and in the classroom with the Canvas Student mobile app. From any device, students can now: • View grades and course content • Submit assignments • Keep track of course work with to do list and calendar • Send and receive messages • Post to discussions • Watch videos • Take quizzes • Receive push notifications for new grades and course updates, and much more.. Canvas Student is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 107.21 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.44 million users || Free ||

Ready to build an amazing classroom community. ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students.. ClassDojo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 231.40 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Google Classroom

Rated 1.5/5 by 2.06 million users || Free ||

Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect—inside and outside of schools.. Google Classroom is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 182.05 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.7/5 by 1.70 million users || Free ||

Learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app. Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons.. Duolingo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 130.33 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.25 million users || Free ||

Remind is a communication platform that helps every student succeed. Whether you're in the classroom, at home, or anywhere in between, Remind makes it easy to stay connected to your school community.. Remind is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 72.60 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Spelling Challenge Game

Rated 3.6/5 by 61 people || Free ||

Test and train your spelling skills and challenge people from all around the world in our educational English spelling game Spelling Challenge. Do you have what it takes to become a new spelling star.. Spelling Challenge Game is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 27.31 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.5/5 by 64 people || Free ||

GeoChallenge will test your knowledge of flags, capitals and maps from around the world, in what is probably the most comprehensive flag quiz app available. Every country in the world is featured in GeoChallenge.. GeoChallenge is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 123.44 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Bright Brain

Rated 4.5/5 by 39 people || Free ||

Bright Brain is an ingenious brain training app. Your brain needs to process verbal, visual and numerical information accurately and make a quick decision.. Bright Brain is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 8.03 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Broken Crossword Puzzle Frenzy!

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

*** The puzzle game to play for all of 2016 *** Get ready to put your thinking skills to the ultimate test with this broken crossword puzzle. Start by analyzing the blocks of letters and its category to unveil the theme of the puzzle.. Broken Crossword Puzzle Frenzy! is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 33.93 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

First Grade Math Challenge

Rated 3.7/5 by 3 people || Free ||

Practice math skills and learn about animals around the barn. * Addition & Subtraction Edition is perfect for grades K-3 but still challenging and fun for everyone, even adults.. First Grade Math Challenge is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 40.83 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

التعليم الاهلي

Rated 3.9/5 by 41 people || Free ||

تطبيق نظام التعليم الجامعي الاهلي في العراق. .. التعليم الاهلي is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 39.69 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Nevada DMV Test License Prep

Rated 4.8/5 by 58 people || Free ||

The Best Complete Drivers Education App for Driver License Permit Test with videos and official tutorial handbooks. This is your one-stop app for your driver's license needs in Nevada NV DMV.. Nevada DMV Test License Prep is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 38.31 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Key to Woody Plants of Wisconsin Forests

Rated 4.3/5 by 16 people || Free ||

This key provides an easy-to-use tool for identifying Wisconsin trees, shrubs and vines. The key includes 85 species of trees and 57 species of shrubs and vines that are native to Wisconsin or exotic and invasive.. Key to Woody Plants of Wisconsin Forests is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 132.22 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

New Plus Minus Math Test Games

Rated 1.3/5 by 3 people || Free ||

Math Addition Flash Cards Game application is really a great educational flash cards for both Pre-K and kindergarten. As parents, we should actively introduce mathematical concepts, methods, and language through a variety of appropriate experiences and research-based teaching strategies.. New Plus Minus Math Test Games is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 34.11 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Listening English Training

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

  This App allows you to improve your English listening skills by imitation of the standard English pronunciation. This App provides 20 categories of 300 common English pronunciation and listening, and four kinds of authentic English and American pronunciation, so you can enhance the hearing ability to identify different accent by listening to and imitating the pronunciation of these words, in a short time.. Listening English Training is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 94.86 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $2.99 ||

Human Anatomy helps both medical students and teachers get a command of basic endocrine system in a fun and easy way. Test and improve your information answering questions and learn new knowledge about human endocrine anatomy by our app.. Anatomy is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 45.70 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Pinkfong My Body

Rated 2.9/5 by 95 people || Free ||

What are the names of the different parts of my body. What are the roles of each.. Pinkfong My Body is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 120.59 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.)

Rated 4.7/5 by 3.81k users || Free ||

LearnEnglish Grammar is a top interactive grammar practice app designed to help improve English grammar accuracy. The app offers 1000s of questions to help practice and reinforce your English grammar skills.. LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 118.76 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 1.4/5 by 168 people || Free ||

MyPaymentsPlus, powered by Horizon Software International, brings parents and guardians 24/7 access to manage cafeteria accounts for students at participating schools. · View current cafeteria account balances for all of your students · Securely deposit funds into the account(s) of your choice · Enable notifications for low balances · View payment history for your account · Monitor which items are being purchased in the school cafeteria.. MyPaymentsPlus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 14.63 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

TeensEnglish-Teach English Now

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: At this time, becoming an English teacher on NativeTalk is restricted to current and graduated students of selected American and UK universities as well as exprienced English teachers in China. 、、 NativeTalk is an app that pairs students learning English with native English speakers as well as experienced English teachers.. TeensEnglish-Teach English Now is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 81.46 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

Rated 4.5/5 by 725.64k users || Free ||

Works best with: iPhone 12, 11, X, 8, 7; iPad Mini 5(2019), Pro 9. 7(2016), Mini 4(2015), Mini 3(2014), Mini 2(2013), Air(2013) ABCmouse MAY NOT FULLY support iOS devices not listed above Start your 30-day free trial of ABCmouse now.. is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 636.01 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.8/5 by 695.64k users || Free ||

PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy - better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb” with the plant identification power of PictureThis.. PictureThis is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 116.89 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.8/5 by 654.06k users || Free ||

Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and become an expert in whatever you’re learning. Create flashcards or find one to study from over 500 million sets created by teachers and students.. Quizlet is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 100.89 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge


Rated 4.8/5 by 604.73k users || Free ||

Get the math app that gets you. Photomath is the world’s most useful math learning platform, with millions of learners of all levels checking homework, studying for tests, and making new math discoveries every month.. Photomath is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.14 MB.

alternatives to Military Bible Challenge

PowerSchool Mobile

Rated 4.5/5 by 527.80k users || Free ||

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user interface, dashboard, and improved app structure • Use new dashboard widgets for quick access to important information including: GPA, Class Overview, Assignments Due, Assignments Graded, Attendance, School Bulletins, Meal Balance, and Fees • Customize the dashboard by reordering or hiding widgets to prioritize the information that is most important to you • Access class information and grades across terms and drill-down to detailed views of class assignments, attendance, and standards • View class assignments for the week or month in a new calendar view, and drill-down to assignment details • Manage push and email notifications, student profiles, access school information, and more PowerSchool is the leading K-12 education technology provider of solutions that improve the education experience for 100 million students, teachers, and parents in over 70 countries around the world.. PowerSchool Mobile is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 128.76 MB.
