GANS LMS alternatives

35 GANS LMS Alternatives

    Published by ITWORX Education

  • License: Free | Updated: 2022-12-14 | Current Version: 4.6.0 | File Size: 56.75 MB

Apps Similar to GANS LMS

What are the best Apps most similar GANS LMS? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to GANS LMS on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Bíblia JFA Off-line

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Bíblia Sagrada João Ferreira de Almeida. Antigo Testamento e Novo Testamento Lista de cabeças (Antigo Testamento): Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reis, II Reis, I Crônicas, II Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cântico dos Cânticos, Sabedoria, Eclesiástico, Isaías, Jeremias, Lamentações, Baruc, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oséias, Joel, Amós, Abdias, Jonas, Miquéias, Naum, Habacuc, Sofonias, Ageu, Zacarias, Malaquias Lista de cabeças (Novo Testamento): São Mateus, São Marcos, São Lucas, São João, Atos dos Apóstolos, Romanos, I Coríntios, II Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, I Tessalonicenses, II Tessalonicenses, I Timóteo, II Timóteo, Tito, Filêmon, Hebreus, São Tiago, I São Pedro, II São Pedro, I São João, II São João, III São João, São Judas, Apocalipse João Ferreira de Almeida O que se sabe hoje da vida de Almeida está registrado na Dedicatória de um de seus livros e nas atas dos presbitérios de Igrejas Reformadas do Sudeste da Ásia, para as quais trabalhou como pastor, missionário e tradutor, durante a segunda metade do século XVII.. Bíblia JFA Off-line is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.73 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Bíblia Sagrada Almeida e Audio

Rated 4.8/5 by 1.74k users || Free ||

A Bíblia Sagrada Almeida em sua edição Revista e Corrigida é considerada a King James em língua portuguesa, pois é a mais conhecida, usada, dístribuída, respeitada e amada versão das Escrituras Sagradas nos países de fala portuguesa, foi traduzida pelo pastor protestante João Ferreira de Almeida, e impressa em 1681 pelas Companhias da Batávia, editada em 1750, 1819, 1860, e reeditada e corrigida pela Sociedade Bíblica Britânica e Estrangeira em Londres no ano de 1898, como resultado da compilação de duas versões anteriores em português: Revista e Correcta (1873) e Revista (1894). .. Bíblia Sagrada Almeida e Audio is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 18.90 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Pulmonology and Allergy

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

@Point of Care™ Pulmonology is a clinical decision-making mobile platform. @Point of Care™ Pulmonology provides a streamlined clinical decision support tool for clinicians to obtain pulmonology content when it is needed, keep track of their patients—enabling better decisions, better outcomes, and better care.. Pulmonology and Allergy is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 26.37 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Promessas de Deus na Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Audio

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Promessas de Deus na Bíblia Almeida Características: Rotação da interface do aplicativo. Design amigável.. Promessas de Deus na Bíblia Sagrada Almeida Audio is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.22 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Pulm Ex

Rated 4.5/5 by 1.00k users || Free ||

Pulm Ex brings to life exciting patient cases that healthcare providers can play to stay sharp in pulmonary medicine. Earn CME credits, encounter once-in-a-lifetime cases, and invite colleagues to play with you in the first professional video game designed for pulmonologists—for FREE.. Pulm Ex is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 464.73 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Portuguese English Bilingual Bible (Bíblia Almeida

Rated 4.3/5 by 7 people || Free ||

Portuguese English Bilingual Bible (Bíblia Almeida - King James Bible) Features: App interface rotation. User friendly design.. Portuguese English Bilingual Bible (Bíblia Almeida is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.05 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

AAO Ophthalmic Education

Rated 4.9/5 by 15 people || Free ||

The AAO Ophthalmic Education app offers free, easy access to clinical content from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, your source for the most trusted and reliable information on eye disorders and eye care. New content is added daily, helping busy clinicians stay current with changes in their field of practice.. AAO Ophthalmic Education is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 61.76 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Hidden Object Game FREE

Rated 4.6/5 by 813 people || Free ||

This FREE hidden object game is now available on your iPhone and iPod Touch. The much loved Sherlock Holmes story, The Blue Diamond Mystery comes alive in this FREE, richly illustrated, hidden object puzzle game complete with audio narration.. Hidden Object Game FREE is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 87.56 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

El Libro de los Salmos con la Biblia Reina Valera

Rated 4.9/5 by 26 people || Free ||

Libro de los Salmos Las poesías de estilo salmódico son muy abundantes en las tradiciones literarias sumeria, asiria y babilónica desde la más remota antigüedad. Estas culturas empleaban sobre todo salmos en forma de himnos o lamentaciones.. El Libro de los Salmos con la Biblia Reina Valera is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.88 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.5/5 by 83 people || $3.99 ||

iClassics: Beyond Engrossing iClassics unites the old and the new to create immersive experiences that inspire and move everyone. Serving as a departure from iClassics Production's famed focus on terror and horror, this Immersive Entertainment app is a feature-length artistic and technological rendering of Arthur Conan Doyle's masterpiece, A Scandal in Bohemia.. iDoyle is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 283.36 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Canvas Student

Rated 4.7/5 by 2.61 million users || Free ||

Access your Canvas courses on the go and in the classroom with the Canvas Student mobile app. From any device, students can now: • View grades and course content • Submit assignments • Keep track of course work with to do list and calendar • Send and receive messages • Post to discussions • Watch videos • Take quizzes • Receive push notifications for new grades and course updates, and much more.. Canvas Student is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 107.21 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.44 million users || Free ||

Ready to build an amazing classroom community. ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students.. ClassDojo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 231.40 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Google Classroom

Rated 1.5/5 by 2.06 million users || Free ||

Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect—inside and outside of schools.. Google Classroom is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 182.05 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.7/5 by 1.70 million users || Free ||

Learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app. Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons.. Duolingo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 130.33 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.25 million users || Free ||

Remind is a communication platform that helps every student succeed. Whether you're in the classroom, at home, or anywhere in between, Remind makes it easy to stay connected to your school community.. Remind is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 72.60 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Math Bridges

Rated 4/5 by 1.68k users || Free ||

Learning math isn’t just educational, it’s fun with Math Bridges. Kids get to play fun, quick-paced math games while learning how to better understand numbers and counting.. Math Bridges is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Dinosaur Digger 2 Truck Games

Rated 4/5 by 673 people || Free ||

With small dinosaur friends to play with, kids are driving excavators, bulldozers and cranes, digging deep underground, looking for ancient treasures. Working at the dock, dig new tunnels underground.. Dinosaur Digger 2 Truck Games is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Baby Panda Care

Rated 4/5 by 606 people || Free ||

Children love to engage in all sorts of pretend play and imitating parents is one of the most enjoyed. Caring for a baby is an experience they are familiar with happening to themselves.. Baby Panda Care is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Jurassic Dinosaur

Rated 4/5 by 567 people || Free ||

Welcome to the world of a little Triceratops. In Jurassic Dinosaur, you are a little Triceratops, exploring Dinosaur Island freely.. Jurassic Dinosaur is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Safety & Habits

Rated 4/5 by 235 people || Free ||

Baby Panda's Safety & Habits helps kids develop healthy living habits, and teach kids how to protect themselves in case of natural disasters. Dear kids, welcome to the city of health.. Safety & Habits is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

WWF Free Rivers

Rated 4/5 by 154 people || Free ||

WWF Free Rivers puts an entire landscape in your hands. Through this immersive, augmented reality experience, you’ll discover a river that flows through the lives of people and wildlife, and how their homes depend on those flows.. WWF Free Rivers is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4/5 by 134 people || Free ||

Do you have difficulty in finding ideas for your novels, contents, games or applications. Let this app help you.. InspireMe is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

My Panda Chef Kitchen

Rated 4/5 by 108 people || Free ||

The kitchen can be an unsafe place for young children, but that won’t stop their interest in exploring all the things in this crafty place. Have them play in the BabyBus kitchen and try out all the fun activities such as preparing food, cooking and juicing, in a less dangerous manner.. My Panda Chef Kitchen is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Baby Panda's Bath Time

Rated 4/5 by 104 people || Free ||

Tick tack, Tick tack.  Welcome to Baby Panda’s Bath Time.. Baby Panda's Bath Time is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Panda Robot Kitchen

Rated 4/5 by 89 people || Free ||

Have you seen a robot that can make pizza. Do you want to eat pancakes from a floating space capsule.. Panda Robot Kitchen is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $2.99 ||

Human Anatomy helps both medical students and teachers get a command of basic endocrine system in a fun and easy way. Test and improve your information answering questions and learn new knowledge about human endocrine anatomy by our app.. Anatomy is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 45.70 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Pinkfong My Body

Rated 2.9/5 by 95 people || Free ||

What are the names of the different parts of my body. What are the roles of each.. Pinkfong My Body is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 120.59 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.)

Rated 4.7/5 by 3.81k users || Free ||

LearnEnglish Grammar is a top interactive grammar practice app designed to help improve English grammar accuracy. The app offers 1000s of questions to help practice and reinforce your English grammar skills.. LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 118.76 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 1.4/5 by 168 people || Free ||

MyPaymentsPlus, powered by Horizon Software International, brings parents and guardians 24/7 access to manage cafeteria accounts for students at participating schools. · View current cafeteria account balances for all of your students · Securely deposit funds into the account(s) of your choice · Enable notifications for low balances · View payment history for your account · Monitor which items are being purchased in the school cafeteria.. MyPaymentsPlus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 14.63 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

TeensEnglish-Teach English Now

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: At this time, becoming an English teacher on NativeTalk is restricted to current and graduated students of selected American and UK universities as well as exprienced English teachers in China. 、、 NativeTalk is an app that pairs students learning English with native English speakers as well as experienced English teachers.. TeensEnglish-Teach English Now is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 81.46 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

Rated 4.5/5 by 725.64k users || Free ||

Works best with: iPhone 12, 11, X, 8, 7; iPad Mini 5(2019), Pro 9. 7(2016), Mini 4(2015), Mini 3(2014), Mini 2(2013), Air(2013) ABCmouse MAY NOT FULLY support iOS devices not listed above Start your 30-day free trial of ABCmouse now.. is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 636.01 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.8/5 by 695.64k users || Free ||

PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy - better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb” with the plant identification power of PictureThis.. PictureThis is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 116.89 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.8/5 by 654.06k users || Free ||

Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and become an expert in whatever you’re learning. Create flashcards or find one to study from over 500 million sets created by teachers and students.. Quizlet is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 100.89 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS


Rated 4.8/5 by 604.73k users || Free ||

Get the math app that gets you. Photomath is the world’s most useful math learning platform, with millions of learners of all levels checking homework, studying for tests, and making new math discoveries every month.. Photomath is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.14 MB.

alternatives to GANS LMS

PowerSchool Mobile

Rated 4.5/5 by 527.80k users || Free ||

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user interface, dashboard, and improved app structure • Use new dashboard widgets for quick access to important information including: GPA, Class Overview, Assignments Due, Assignments Graded, Attendance, School Bulletins, Meal Balance, and Fees • Customize the dashboard by reordering or hiding widgets to prioritize the information that is most important to you • Access class information and grades across terms and drill-down to detailed views of class assignments, attendance, and standards • View class assignments for the week or month in a new calendar view, and drill-down to assignment details • Manage push and email notifications, student profiles, access school information, and more PowerSchool is the leading K-12 education technology provider of solutions that improve the education experience for 100 million students, teachers, and parents in over 70 countries around the world.. PowerSchool Mobile is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 128.76 MB.
