ايقاعات خليجية alternatives

25 ايقاعات خليجية Alternatives

    Published by Isam Al Saadi

  • License: Free | Updated: 2021-01-14 | Current Version: 1.0 | File Size: 29.82 MB

Apps Similar to ايقاعات خليجية

What are the best Apps most similar ايقاعات خليجية? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.8/5 by 24.09 million users || Free ||

With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. Stream music and podcasts, discover albums, playlists or even single songs for free on your mobile or tablet.. Spotify is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 128.31 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.8/5 by 8.91 million users || Free ||

Create stations from your favorite songs, artists or genres, search or browse to find recommended stations for your mood or activity, and discover podcasts that speak to you. Download today and get instant access to your favorite artists and podcasts, while staying up to date on the most recent singles and releases.. Pandora is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 205.67 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.9/5 by 6.54 million users || Free ||

Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free.. Shazam is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 41.15 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.71 million users || Free ||

"Best free music player app and I’ve tried all of them" - FaisalBeanzi "Best music experience I have used on the App Store to date. " - Lupini66444 Musi lets you bookmark and organize your favourite music videos, build playlists, share with friends, and more.. Musi is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 29.90 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.36 million users || Free ||

Enjoy ad-free music, live sports, original talk, entertainment shows, & more on SiriusXM. Catch the latest Howard Stern episodes, exclusive comedy and podcasts, and US & world news with SiriusXM Streaming.. SiriusXM is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 295.33 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 5/5 by 1.14k users || $22.99 ||

أول وأقوى تطبيق ايقاعات عربية حية وبجودة عالية أهم المميزات : - أكثر من ٣٨٠ إيقاع قابل للزيادة مع كل تحديث - إيقاعات حية و مستمرة (loops) - مجموعة من الاصوات الجاهزة للتشكيل مع الايقاع - امكانية التحكم بالسرعة دون التأثير على الجودة - امكانية .. O&D is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 5/5 by 131 people || $11.99 ||

سجل عزفك مع الإيقاعات و أضف مؤثرات صوتية مثل الصدى وتحكم بالطبقة والسرعة سيساعدك هذا التطبيق بتجديد صوت آلتك الموسيقية والتدرب على ضبط الزمن مميزات التطبيق : * تسجيل صوتي * تسجيل مع ايقاعات * مؤثرات صوتية جميلة - صدى - الطبقة - بيز - الحد.. OudRec is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

O&D lite طبلة وعود

Rated 4/5 by 33 people || Free ||

First and most powerful Arabic application specialized in Arabic rhythm. ========================= أول وأقوى تطبيق متخصص في الإيقاعات العربية أهم المميزات : - إيقاعات حية بجودة عالية و مستمرة (loops) - امكانية التحكم بالسرعة - سهولة الاستخدام - كمنجات للتقاسيم - امكانية تشغيل الايقا.. O&D lite طبلة وعود is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4/5 by 19 people || Free ||

- Contains over 80 Iqa'a grouped in categories. - Contains 6 Rhythm Categories: Sha'abi (Folk), Khaliji, Dabke, Taqsim, Muwashahat and Kuwaiti.. Iqa'at is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية 2

Rated 3/5 by 12 people || Free ||

تطبيق مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية2 هو تطبيق مجاني يحتوي على 150 من اجمل الايقاعات الشرقيه المجسمه استريو مع تحكم بالصوت وسرعه الايقاع كما يحتوي التطبيق على بيانو لتعلم العزف مع الايقاعات مع غيتار وموثرات صوتيه مختلفه لا يحتاج الى انترنت.. مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية 2 is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

ايقاعات شرقية

Rated 3/5 by 10 people || Free ||

تطبيق ايقاعات اورج شرقي هو نسخه من الايقاعات الشرقية الموجودة على تطبيق اورج شرقي وهو يحتوي على الكثير من اجمل الايقاعات الشرقية الخليجية مثل السامري والسواحلي والطمبورة والسعودي والاماراتي ويحتوي على اجمل الايقاعات الشرقية المصرية . .. ايقاعات شرقية is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

1 مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية

Rated 1/5 by 0 users || Free ||

تطبيق مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية هو عبارة عن مساعد للعازفين سواء هواة او محترفين على عزف اجمل الايقاعات العربية والشرقية بواسطة الموبايل ولا يحتاج الى انترنت للعمل. كما يحتوي على ايقاعات عراقية وخليجية و تركية وايرانية وكردية بالاضافة الى.. 1 مجمع الايقاعات الشرقية is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

ايقاعات مغربية

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

اجمل 150 ايقاع مغربي يحتوي تطبيق ايقاعات مغربية على ايقاعات دول المغرب العربي مثل الايقاعات التونسية والايقاعات الجزائرية والايقاعات المغربية والايقاعات الليبية وغيرها التطبيق يحتوي على خاصيه تسريع الايقاع ورفع وخفض الصوت ويحتوي على .. ايقاعات مغربية is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

Rhythms Maker

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

For people who are looking for an application to create the most beautiful rhythms that accompany music in their countries, this is a completely free rhythm maker application that provides you with the easiest way to manufacture rhythms that consist of 10 strokes or less and at a speed that suits you. The application of the eastern and western rhythms industry contains 50 of the most beautiful beats instruments for the manufa.. Rhythms Maker is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.7/5 by 539.12k users || Free ||

Listen to thousands of live radio stations, tune in to podcasts and stream unlimited music playlists for any mood or activity, all in one app. The iHeartRadio app for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch is easy to use and best of all, it's FREE.. iHeart is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 126.23 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

DJ Mixer

Rated 4.5/5 by 129.63k users || Free ||

edjing Mix is a virtual DJ pro that allows you to mix music like a true DJ. With its turntable interface and DG technology, you can easily create mashups and song mixes like a pro.. DJ Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 402.27 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Rated 5/5 by 2 people || $4.99 ||

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is a music theory tool for musicians exploring jazz and a variety of music styles that incorporate musical modes. For a beginner version of Circle of Fifths, check out our Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 edition, where you can explore major keys and relative minor keys.. Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 15.87 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

mPV Course Exploring The Mixer

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $6.99 ||

The Pro Tools mixer is legendary –and mixing in Pro Tools is a required skill for anyone who wants to make it in the recording business. Learn all about basic mixing, signal flow and automation in this Pro Tools 10, Avid Learning Partner tutorial: Exploring the Mixer.. mPV Course Exploring The Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 547.99 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

Tiny Piano

Rated 4.6/5 by 6.57k users || Free ||

The easiest way to play piano. Play with your eyes closed and fool your friends.. Tiny Piano is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 21.85 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

Amazon Music

Rated 4.7/5 by 1.95 million users || Free ||

We're changing the way you discover and play the music you love. Listen free to music and podcasts with ads—no credit card required.. Amazon Music is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 108.05 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.34 million users || Free ||

Audiomack is the GLOBAL streaming music app that lets you download and offline the hottest albums, songs, mixtapes and playlists. Discover buzzing new songs by browsing our trending page and get the latest music updates by following your favorite artists.. Audiomack is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 118.47 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

YouTube Music

Rated 4.8/5 by 945.21k users || Free ||

Connecting you to the world of music: ● More than 70 million official songs ● Music content including live performances, covers, remixes and music content you can’t find elsewhere ● Thousands of curated playlist across many genres and activities Get personalized music, perfect for every moment: ● Personalized playlists and Mixes ● Activity mixes made for you ● Create playlists with song suggestions or collaborate with other music fans to create the perfect playlist ● Neatly organized Library to see all of your liked and added songs, playlists you created, and artists you subscribed to Stay on top of the trend and discover new music: ● Check out new releases ● Discover music based genres (Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Dance & Electronic, Blues, Indie & Alternative, Jazz, Kpop, Latin, Rock, and more) ● Discover music based mood (Chill, Feel Good, Energy Booster, Sleep, Focus, Romance, Workout, Commute, Party) ● Explore top charts from all over the world Enhanced your listening experience with unique features: ● Song lyrics so you can sing along to your favorites ● Upload songs from your devices so you can enjoy them in one place with YouTube Music ● Listen on your phone, desktop, smart speaker, smart TV, car, smart watch and within your favorite apps. ● Compatible with Google Maps, Waze, Google Assistant, and more.. YouTube Music is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 160.00 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

TuneIn Radio

Rated 4.8/5 by 845.26k users || Free ||

HEAR WHAT MATTERS TO YOU With TuneIn, stream local AM/FM stations (plus 100,000+ global stations) on all your devices, plus live news, game-winning sports coverage, music for every mood, podcasts for every passion, and more. HEAR YOUR WORLD Your Radio.. TuneIn Radio is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 85.16 MB.

alternatives to ايقاعات خليجية

Sonos S1 Controller

Rated 4.7/5 by 792.15k users || Free ||

This app controls systems that include the earliest Sonos products: Zone Players, Play:5 (Gen 1), Bridge, Connect (Gen 1) and Connect:Amp (Gen 1) Easily control your system. Adjust volume levels, group rooms, save favorites, set alarms, and more.. Sonos S1 Controller is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 115.91 MB.
