Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Googleニュース/Yahooニュースが1つのアプリでまとめて読めるニュースリーダーアプリが登場しました。 「エンタメ」「スポーツ」「経済」「国際」などのジャンル分けもあります。常に最新のニュース情報を取得・閲覧出来ます。 これが無料のニュースリーダーアプリ、GYNewsです。 【アプリ詳細】 -Googleニュース・・・「トップ」、「ピックアップ」、「社会」、「国際」、「ビジネス」、「政治」、「エンタメ」、「スポーツ」、「テクノロジー」、「話題のニュース」の全10ジャンル -Yahooニュース・・・「国内」、「国際」、「経済」、「エンタメ」、「スポーツ」、「IT科学」、「ライフ」、「地域」」の全8ジャンル -Googleニュースは「検索機能」を搭載 -気に入った記事はお気に入りへスグ登録.. -GYNEWS-地味に便利なニュースリーダー is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 1.90 MB.
Rated 1/5 by 8 people || Free ||
Stay informed with all the latest news, information and events from Augusta University Health. With curated Jagwire News for employees, patients and community members, upcoming Health System events, and updates from the CEO and health system leaders, you’ll be in the know as soon as updates happen.. Augusta University Health News is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 36.39 MB.
Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||
Stay informed with the latest in Cannabis, Hemp & Marijuana News. Don't waste time scouring the internet when you can get your cannabinoid fix in just a few touches.. Cannabis News (FREE EDITION) is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 49.51 MB.
Rated 3.8/5 by 11 people || Free ||
Up to 50% of all people in the USA suffer from depression at least once in their lifetime. Do you feel tired.. New! Depression Test is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 81.61 MB.
Rated 4.6/5 by 6.26k users || Free ||
Feeling worried, sad, stressed or lonely. Need to talk to someone.. 7 Cups is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 12.86 MB.
Rated 2.6/5 by 5 people || Free ||
Looking for an even more effective way to meditate on a day to day basis. Binaural Beats Theta Waves is the App for you.. Binaural Beats Theta Waves is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 39.13 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 126 people || Free ||
Are you worried you're not living that healthy lifestyle that you really wish you had. Do you want to be healthier but just don't know where to start.. Health Tip of the Day is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 15.97 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 15.25k users || Free ||
Talkspace is the most convenient and affordable way to improve your mental health. Get matched with a licensed therapist in your state from the comfort of your device, and message via text, audio, and video.. Talkspace Therapy & Counseling is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 214.03 MB.
Rated 4.2/5 by 152 people || Free ||
HelloMind helps you battle problems like stress, bad sleep, weight gain and low self-esteem. Choose a treatment, then relax and listen to the sessions.. HelloMind is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 27.07 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 9.32k users || Free ||
The Thermo app helps you take care of your whole family’s health. Created for use with Thermo, the Withings smart temporal thermometer, the app automatically syncs temperature readings for each user via WiFi or Bluetooth.. Withings Thermo is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 93.60 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 37 people || $1.99 ||
As seen on the American Academy of Pediatrics parenting web site, www. HealthyChildren.. KidsDoc is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 17.75 MB.
Rated 1/5 by 3 people || Free ||
Real time news aggregator designed just for SLPs, educators, and parents of children with speech and language therapy needs. Thousands of articles for just about everything related to speech and language therapy.. Speech Therapy Advocate is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 6.55 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 10.62k users || Free ||
Bloom is the easiest & most affordable way to learn the ropes of therapy. Train your mind with personalized daily mental health education.. Bloom is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 52.41 MB.
Rated 3.2/5 by 97 people || Free ||
What’s the best way to lose weight. Should you reduce the total number of calories in your diet or lower the total glycemic load.. The Low-Glycal Diet is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 38.26 MB.
Rated 4.6/5 by 13.21k users || Free ||
Download ZINIO’s award-winning iOS app, trusted by millions of readers, and get the latest news on your iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC. Take your favorite magazines with you anywhere and enjoy them online or offline, at home, on holiday, during your commute, on your lunch break, or even during working hours (we won't tell :).. ZINIO is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 91.77 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 11.46k users || Free ||
From the deepest depths of the ocean to the peak of Mt. Everest, National Geographic allows you to see and experience the world in new ways.. National Geographic is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 105.27 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 11.24k users || Free ||
"The Word Among Us" is the largest daily devotional for Catholics (print & digital editions available). Beautifully designed for iPad and iPhone, The Word Among Us app is ad free and offers free trial subscription.. Word Among Us Mass Edition is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 32.92 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 4.95k users || Free ||
Learn what’s happening in Myanmar. .. Tha Din is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 106.67 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 4.09k users || Free ||
If you love magazines, you’ll love Readly. Download Readly now and enjoy all of your favorites and over 6,000 top magazines - all you can read, all in one easy-to-use app.. Readly is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 24.41 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $2.99 ||
Physician Assistant App : 2500 Study Notes & Quiz With this app you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere. The learning & understanding process never been so easy like with our 5 study modes embedded in this app.. Physician Assistant Test Bank is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 24.07 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 6 people || Free ||
UT Physicians, a part of UTHealth, makes it easy to find the care you need, when you need it. WE MAKE HEALTH CARE CONVENIENT FOR YOU The UT Physicians app easily connects you to 2,000+ health care providers, 80+ specialties and subspecialties, and 100+ locations.. UT Physicians is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 29.52 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 8 people || Free ||
2022 구글 올해를 빛낸 앱 우수상 ● 자기만의 방 기능 ∙ 여성들만을 위한 익명 커뮤니티 ∙ 매주 추가되는 성 지식 콘텐츠 (누적 500개 콘텐츠) ∙ 귀로 듣는 실전 섹슈얼 팁과 섹슈얼 ASMR ∙ 이모지로 관리하는 나의 하루 ∙ 월경 주기, 임신 가능 여부 자동 체크 ● 이런 분들께 추천해요 ∙ 나의 몸에 대해 더 잘 알고 싶은 분 ∙ 여성 맞춤형 성 정보가 필요했던 분 ∙ 원치 않은 검색 결과에 불쾌했던 분 ∙ 성에 대한 지적 호기심이 많은 분 ∙ 더 만족스러운 성생활을 원하는 분 ∙ 분홍색 생리 다이어리가 지겨운 분 ∙ 월경 체크 가능한 무드 다이어리를 찾는 분 ---------- ● 문의 및 약관 ∙ 문의 이메일 : help@arooo. co.. 자기만의방 (AROOO) is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 103.31 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Watch the Official FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Magazine come to life with videos, sound and touch interaction. Enjoy exclusive videos from FIFA legends, explore the stadiums in Qatar and read up on all the groups, teams, and players to watch out for.. FIFA World Cup is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.18 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
A free, public newsletter, called Outreach, is released locally on a regular basis by the Yogi Divine Society of NJ, which is a socio-religious organization and community center based in New Jersey. For the upcoming edition of Outreach, and potentially many more editions in the future, we want to incorporate augmented reality to give readers a new experience.. HariVachak is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 45.99 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 10 people || Free ||
The Psychologist, from the British Psychological Society, is packed with the latest science of mind and behaviour. With features, news, interviews, reviews and more, it is essential reading for budding and professional psychologists, and anyone interested in what makes us tick.. The Psychologist is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 16.51 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 8 people || Free ||
Comic Reader is a free app for Teen Readers, Adult Readers. With huge collections of Manga, Manhwa and Manhua inside.. COMIC READER is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 2.49 MB.
Rated 4.3/5 by 1.80k users || Free ||
Vogue Knitting is the hand-knitting world's style leader and the magazine knitters turn to on a regular basis for inspirational patterns, chic styling and compelling techniques. Vogue is a name synonymous with fashion and style, and when it comes to knitting, nothing equals the impact of Vogue Knitting.. Vogue Knitting is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 59.63 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 28 people || Free ||
Podcast Magazine takes readers 'beyond the microphone' and into the lives of today's leading podcasters, behind the scenes of the shows fans love, covers products, tools, podcast platforms and industry happenings, offers multi-variate unbiased monthly categorical charts, independent ratings/reviews of 'under the radar' shows, and offers growth, traffic and monetization strategies for Professional, and aspiring, Podcasters. Podcast Magazine Subscriptions available: Single Issue for $4.. Podcast Magazine is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 39.80 MB.
Rated 3.8/5 by 12 people || Free ||
• Get FREE access to Woodcraft Magazine for 30 days. • Read the latest and past issues of Woodcraft Magazine.. Woodcraft Magazine is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.37 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 41 people || Free ||
La revista Vea es la número uno del entretenimiento en Colombia. Te acerca al mundo de las estrellas de la televisión, la música, el cine, el teatro y mucho más.. Revista Vea is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.02 MB.
Rated 4.2/5 by 570 people || Free ||
NARRATED NEWS IN PODCAST FORM Stay informed with news and insights from 50+ of the world’s most trusted publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, WIRED, Financial Times, The Guardian and many more. You’ll have access to the best pieces of journalism from these publications, narrated word-for-word by humans, not AI.. Curio is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 65.95 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 3.76k users || Free ||
AARP publications help people 50 and older live their most fulfilling lives. AARP The Magazine — the world’s largest-circulation magazine, with more than 47 million readers — features celebrity interviews and profiles; helpful articles on health, money and travel; and stories about people engaged in interesting later-in-life pursuits.. AARP Publications is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 68.07 MB.
Rated 4.6/5 by 2.61k users || Free ||
With assertive reporting and sophisticated design, New York chronicles the people and events that shape the city that shapes the world. Read full issues of the magazine that drives the national conversation on the latest news, culture, fashion, technology, and politics.. New York Magazine is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 45.99 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 2.20k users || Free ||
Welcome to NYMF, a nude art project by David Dubnitskiy, a world-renowned photographer. David draws his inspiration from ladies and women whose genuine beauty brightens our world and gives us unforgettable feelings and emotions.. NYMF is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 107.78 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 2.05k users || Free ||
Texas Monthly Magazine has chronicled life in contemporary Texas since 1973, reporting on vital issues such as politics, the environment, industry, and education. It continues to be the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering music, the arts, travel, restaurants, museums, and cultural events with its insightful and respected recommendations.. Texas Monthly is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 50.01 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 2.03k users || Free ||
For over 50 years, The New York Review of Books has been the place where the world's leading authors, scientists, educators, artists, and political leaders turn when they wish to engage in a spirited debate on literature, politics, art, and ideas with a small but influential audience that welcomes the challenge. Each issue addresses some of the most passionate political and cultural controversies of the day, and reviews the most engrossing new books and the ideas that illuminate them.. The New York Review of Books is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 46.62 MB.