Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8 alternatives

37 Pango Build Alternatives

    Published by Studio Pango

  • License: $3.99 | Updated: 2022-11-18 | Current Version: 1.4 | File Size: 56.76 MB

Apps Similar to Pango Build

What are the best Apps most similar Pango Build? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8 on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Tractor Game

Rated 4.2/5 by 59.81k users || Free ||

"Trucks building" is colorful game about different types of construction machinery those are constructing huge buildings using their skills. If your kids are fond of cars and trucks or anything connected with building thematic they will be crazy of this cool game.. Tractor Game is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 111.97 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Easy Resume Builder

Rated 4/5 by 225 people || Free ||

Now you can keep your resume always with you so if anyone asks for your resume you can provide him the resume instantly without any delay by preparing it using the app or you already have the prepared resume then by sharing it from the application. Build your professional formatted resume using the application.. Easy Resume Builder is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 14.52 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Chuggington Ready to Build

Rated 4.3/5 by 1.48k users || Free ||

Budge Studios™ presents Chuggington™ Ready to Build. Join Zack and the Chuggineers in this virtual train set for preschoolers.. Chuggington Ready to Build is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 221.99 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Dinosaur Builder Puzzles Game

Rated 4/5 by 8 people || Free ||

It’s time to build a DINOSAUR. Dinosaurs Builder is an enticing collection of dinosaurs puzzles that is sure to excite any child.. Dinosaur Builder Puzzles Game is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 130.23 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Little Truck Builder Factory- Vehicles and Trucks

Rated 3.3/5 by 15 people || Free ||

Little truck builder factory: Play and Build Vehicles and Trucks is a fun, yet simple game that allows your little ones to design their very own vehicles. With 5 different cars and trucks to choose from and endless play possibilities ,let your kids imagination run wild.. Little Truck Builder Factory- Vehicles and Trucks is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 40.80 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Build A Train Lite

Rated 4.3/5 by 522 people || Free ||

Build A Train Lite is the perfect virtual train set for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. It includes the following features: »»» Select the engine for your train.. Build A Train Lite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 54.24 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Resume Builder+ Professional

Rated 4.8/5 by 21.00k users || Free ||

The simplest and quickest way to build a professional PDF resume for your job applications. With 100+ professionally designed resume templates to choose from, your resume is guaranteed to stand out and get noticed.. Resume Builder+ Professional is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 97.34 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 2.4/5 by 16 people || Free ||

BNI® Business Builder is BNI’s global online learning platform, developed with BNI Members top of mind. You will have access to a range of training content – including videos, podcasts, webinars and other resources – as you do using BNI® Business Builder accessed via your desktop.. BNI is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 82.53 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Treehouse Builder, Design & Decoration

Rated 2.3/5 by 4 people || Free ||

Create your own perfect tree house. .. Treehouse Builder, Design & Decoration is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.85 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

3-Wheel Moto

Rated 3.7/5 by 9 people || Free ||

Build these 3-wheeled motorcycles from two LEGO 31018 Creator sets, using our building instructions. These instructions are clear and easy to follow – almost like the real instructions from the box.. 3-Wheel Moto is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 38.43 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Pango Hide and seek

Rated 4.8/5 by 6 people || $2.99 ||

Pango hid himself. Will you find him.. Pango Hide and seek is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 50.05 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Pango Playground

Rated 4.9/5 by 11 people || $2.99 ||

Discover 4 playgrounds in the kind and colorful Pango and friends' world. Catch the train, stop at the station and slid down on the slide, look for a treasure in the sand, fly to the stars on board a space rocket, put together a puzzle's pieces.. Pango Playground is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 50.97 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

The Regrid Property App

Rated 4.8/5 by 5.03k users || Free ||

Identify property lines, ownership, land use, vacancy, and more. Get updates when the places you care about change.. The Regrid Property App is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 29.83 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Museum, Mosque and Nearest Synagogue Finder

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Find the nearest Museum in seconds. This handy app quickly identifies your location and lets you choose the nearest museum.. Museum, Mosque and Nearest Synagogue Finder is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 8.75 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound

Rated 4.3/5 by 2.86k users || Free ||

Experience with us the fascination of newly emerged life. Watch wonderful ultrasound videos of babies in different weeks of pregnancy.. ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 660.51 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Rated 5/5 by 2 people || $4.99 ||

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is a music theory tool for musicians exploring jazz and a variety of music styles that incorporate musical modes. For a beginner version of Circle of Fifths, check out our Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 edition, where you can explore major keys and relative minor keys.. Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 15.87 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Bíblia JFA Off-line

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Bíblia Sagrada João Ferreira de Almeida. Antigo Testamento e Novo Testamento Lista de cabeças (Antigo Testamento): Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reis, II Reis, I Crônicas, II Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cântico dos Cânticos, Sabedoria, Eclesiástico, Isaías, Jeremias, Lamentações, Baruc, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oséias, Joel, Amós, Abdias, Jonas, Miquéias, Naum, Habacuc, Sofonias, Ageu, Zacarias, Malaquias Lista de cabeças (Novo Testamento): São Mateus, São Marcos, São Lucas, São João, Atos dos Apóstolos, Romanos, I Coríntios, II Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, I Tessalonicenses, II Tessalonicenses, I Timóteo, II Timóteo, Tito, Filêmon, Hebreus, São Tiago, I São Pedro, II São Pedro, I São João, II São João, III São João, São Judas, Apocalipse João Ferreira de Almeida O que se sabe hoje da vida de Almeida está registrado na Dedicatória de um de seus livros e nas atas dos presbitérios de Igrejas Reformadas do Sudeste da Ásia, para as quais trabalhou como pastor, missionário e tradutor, durante a segunda metade do século XVII.. Bíblia JFA Off-line is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.73 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

SkySafari 6 Pro

Rated 4.8/5 by 5.91k users || $19.99 ||

SkySafari 6 Pro will revolutionize your astronomical viewing experience. It has the largest database of any astronomy app, includes every solar system object ever discovered, offers unparalleled accuracy, flawless telescope control, Augmented Reality (AR) mode, and provides the very best experience under the stars when you depend on it.. SkySafari 6 Pro is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 1.89 GB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.7/5 by 14.61k users || $2.99 ||

SkySafari is a powerful planetarium that fits in your pocket, puts the universe at your fingertips, and is incredibly easy to use. Simply hold your device to the sky and quickly locate planets, constellations, satellites, and millions of stars and deep sky objects.. SkySafari is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 399.15 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

SkySafari 6 Plus

Rated 4.7/5 by 2.77k users || $6.99 ||

SkySafari 6 Plus goes beyond most basic astronomy apps by providing you with a full-featured space simulator with telescope control and Augmented Reality (AR) mode. Note that there is no discount upgrade path from SkySafari 6 Plus to SkySafari 6 Pro.. SkySafari 6 Plus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 724.74 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Safari Animals Preschool First Word Learning Game

Rated 2/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Ever wanted to see animals at the zoo. What about seeing the animals that we can find in an African safari.. Safari Animals Preschool First Word Learning Game is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 99.17 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 5/5 by 0 users || $2.99 ||

Sale - 50% Off don't miss out . Drive a zoo train and help the animals board the zoo train.. Zoo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 70.52 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $2.99 ||

Human Anatomy helps both medical students and teachers get a command of basic endocrine system in a fun and easy way. Test and improve your information answering questions and learn new knowledge about human endocrine anatomy by our app.. Anatomy is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 45.70 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Pinkfong My Body

Rated 2.9/5 by 95 people || Free ||

What are the names of the different parts of my body. What are the roles of each.. Pinkfong My Body is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 120.59 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.)

Rated 4.7/5 by 3.81k users || Free ||

LearnEnglish Grammar is a top interactive grammar practice app designed to help improve English grammar accuracy. The app offers 1000s of questions to help practice and reinforce your English grammar skills.. LearnEnglish Grammar (US ed.) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 118.76 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 1.4/5 by 168 people || Free ||

MyPaymentsPlus, powered by Horizon Software International, brings parents and guardians 24/7 access to manage cafeteria accounts for students at participating schools. · View current cafeteria account balances for all of your students · Securely deposit funds into the account(s) of your choice · Enable notifications for low balances · View payment history for your account · Monitor which items are being purchased in the school cafeteria.. MyPaymentsPlus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 14.63 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

TeensEnglish-Teach English Now

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: At this time, becoming an English teacher on NativeTalk is restricted to current and graduated students of selected American and UK universities as well as exprienced English teachers in China. 、、 NativeTalk is an app that pairs students learning English with native English speakers as well as experienced English teachers.. TeensEnglish-Teach English Now is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 81.46 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Canvas Student

Rated 4.7/5 by 2.61 million users || Free ||

Access your Canvas courses on the go and in the classroom with the Canvas Student mobile app. From any device, students can now: • View grades and course content • Submit assignments • Keep track of course work with to do list and calendar • Send and receive messages • Post to discussions • Watch videos • Take quizzes • Receive push notifications for new grades and course updates, and much more.. Canvas Student is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 107.21 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.44 million users || Free ||

Ready to build an amazing classroom community. ClassDojo is a beautiful, safe, and simple communication app for teachers, parents, and students.. ClassDojo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 231.40 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Google Classroom

Rated 1.5/5 by 2.06 million users || Free ||

Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect—inside and outside of schools.. Google Classroom is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 182.05 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.7/5 by 1.70 million users || Free ||

Learn a new language with the world’s most-downloaded education app. Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons.. Duolingo is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 130.33 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.25 million users || Free ||

Remind is a communication platform that helps every student succeed. Whether you're in the classroom, at home, or anywhere in between, Remind makes it easy to stay connected to your school community.. Remind is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 72.60 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

Rated 4.5/5 by 725.64k users || Free ||

Works best with: iPhone 12, 11, X, 8, 7; iPad Mini 5(2019), Pro 9. 7(2016), Mini 4(2015), Mini 3(2014), Mini 2(2013), Air(2013) ABCmouse MAY NOT FULLY support iOS devices not listed above Start your 30-day free trial of ABCmouse now.. is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 636.01 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.8/5 by 695.64k users || Free ||

PictureThis® identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy - better than most human experts. Get your gardening questions answered and become a “green thumb” with the plant identification power of PictureThis.. PictureThis is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 116.89 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.8/5 by 654.06k users || Free ||

Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and become an expert in whatever you’re learning. Create flashcards or find one to study from over 500 million sets created by teachers and students.. Quizlet is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 100.89 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8


Rated 4.8/5 by 604.73k users || Free ||

Get the math app that gets you. Photomath is the world’s most useful math learning platform, with millions of learners of all levels checking homework, studying for tests, and making new math discoveries every month.. Photomath is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.14 MB.

alternatives to Pango Build Safari : kids 3-8

PowerSchool Mobile

Rated 4.5/5 by 527.80k users || Free ||

Built for convenient access to real-time student information like grades, assignments, and attendance, the PowerSchool Mobile App provides enhanced functionality for parents, guardians, and students. • Get easy access to the most important student data with an updated user interface, dashboard, and improved app structure • Use new dashboard widgets for quick access to important information including: GPA, Class Overview, Assignments Due, Assignments Graded, Attendance, School Bulletins, Meal Balance, and Fees • Customize the dashboard by reordering or hiding widgets to prioritize the information that is most important to you • Access class information and grades across terms and drill-down to detailed views of class assignments, attendance, and standards • View class assignments for the week or month in a new calendar view, and drill-down to assignment details • Manage push and email notifications, student profiles, access school information, and more PowerSchool is the leading K-12 education technology provider of solutions that improve the education experience for 100 million students, teachers, and parents in over 70 countries around the world.. PowerSchool Mobile is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 128.76 MB.
