Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus alternatives

43 Rain Sounds Alternatives

    Published by Michele Gruppioni (Gruppio)

  • License: Free | Updated: 2018-06-01 | Current Version: 1.0.3 | File Size: 94.01 MB

Apps Similar to Rain Sounds

What are the best Apps most similar Rain Sounds? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Volume Boost

Rated 4.1/5 by 1.97k users || Free ||

Use the power of your smartphone and latest technologies for maximum sound amplification. Increase the volume and improve the sounds around you.. Volume Boost is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 15.62 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Rain Sounds HQ

Rated 4.8/5 by 19.84k users || Free ||

Can’t sleep. Fall asleep fast to over 75 high-quality full-stereo recordings from around the world.. Rain Sounds HQ is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 75.86 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Sound Sleeper

Rated 2.4/5 by 14 people || Free ||

Turn two or more iOS devices into a WiFi video baby monitor and have peace of mind no matter where you are in your house. - Enjoy high quality video and audio monitoring - Use digital zoom and night illumination to see your baby up close.. Sound Sleeper is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 22.80 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 3.3/5 by 6 people || Free ||

This is the best app in the Relax style. Appropriate music and animation will create an absolutely beautiful real world around you.. Fireplace is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 30.08 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

NIOSH Sound Level Meter

Rated 4.7/5 by 9.90k users || Free ||

This award-winning app combines the best features of professional sound level meters and noise dosimeters into a simple, easy-to-use package. - Developed by experienced acoustics engineers and hearing loss experts.. NIOSH Sound Level Meter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 16.84 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Sleep Sounds and SPA Music

Rated 4.7/5 by 30 people || $1.99 ||

MAKE SURE YOU KNOW: As part of our worldwide promotional efforts, we offer all music from In-App Purchase Premium Collections for free. You can save up to 8 dollars and get several hours of meditation and relaxation music by just buying this app.. Sleep Sounds and SPA Music is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 461.26 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Background noise White calming night sounds of fan

Rated 1.6/5 by 5 people || Free ||

Are you and your baby not sleeping. Sleeping fan is a complete solution for you.. Background noise White calming night sounds of fan is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 81.19 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

癒しの水の音 ( WaterSound )

Rated 4/5 by 6 people || Free ||

メディカルカテゴリー1位!App総合35位獲得! 癒し系ヒーリングサウンドアプリの定番といえばWarterSound! このアプリは「水」の環境音に特化したヒーリングアプリです。 様々な「水の音色」を手軽に聞くことができるため、どんな空間でも癒しの空間にすることができます。 快眠、集中力向上、リラックス、ヨガ、瞑想など様々な用途に使用できるアプリとなっています。 日々の通勤や仕事、勉強や人間関係など人は様々な要因でストレスを無自覚に溜めこみ、心も体も疲れを蓄積して今います。そんなストレス、疲れを溜め込んでしまうと、病気や怪我などにもつながる恐れがあるため、少しでも疲れを感じた場合は、心と体のヒーリング(癒し)が必要です。 手軽に癒しのリラクゼーション空間を作ることができるこのアプリで日々のストレスを解消してみてはいかがでしょうか? ・こんな人にオススメ 満員電車で通勤、通学して疲れを溜めている人 仕事や勉強が忙しく疲れを溜めている人 人間関係がうまくいかず疲れを溜めている人 寝つきが悪く、朝起きても疲れが取れない人 集中力を向上させたい人 ヨガや瞑想の時のBGMをがしている人 ・こんな使い方をするとさらに癒されます!(ユーザーボイス) 寝る前、枕元に携帯を置き「浜辺」を聞きながら寝ると快眠できます! 通勤中、席に座りイヤホンで「雨」や「渓流」を聞いているとまるで外にいるような感覚になり落ち着きます! 入浴中、「滝」や「渓流」を聞いて目を閉じると、まるで露天風呂にでもいるかのような感覚になりリラックスできます! --- アプリ概要 --- ・主なアプリシステム 音楽の再生、停止 音楽の音量調整 音楽の速度の調整 音楽の複数再生によるリミックス 立体音響による音楽の再生、停止 立体音響による音楽の音量調整 立体音響による複数再生によるリミックス タイマー機能 ・収録音源:全55曲 小雨、雨、大雨、激しい雨、雨と車、雨と排水路、屋内から聞いた雨、運転中に聞いた雨、停車中に聞いた雨、傘の下の雨、木下の傘と雨、台風、小雨と雷、雨と雷などの「雨」にまつわる癒しの音色や小川、小川の近く、小川の遠く、渓流、滝、泉、水滴、洞窟と水滴、水車、山の湧き水などの「大自然」にまつわる癒しの音色、さらには、浜辺の波、海岸、海中、深海、テトラポッドなどの「海」にまつわる癒しの音色を収録しています。.. 癒しの水の音 ( WaterSound ) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 89.13 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

ReSound Tinnitus Relief

Rated 4.7/5 by 10.17k users || Free ||

The ReSound Tinnitus Relief™ app uses a combination of sounds and relaxing exercises that aim to distract your brain from focusing on tinnitus. Over time the brain learns to focus less on the tinnitus.. ReSound Tinnitus Relief is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 131.82 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Inner peace Self help anxiety Good peaceful sounds

Rated 5/5 by 4 people || Free ||

This is a simple app for relaxing and calm. Good music helps to your mind.. Inner peace Self help anxiety Good peaceful sounds is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 143.99 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Brush Up

Rated 3.3/5 by 248 people || Free ||

Kids have fun when they learn to brush their teeth with Budd. 2016 First Prize awards from the US Education Department, Entertainment Software Association and International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare National Academy of Medicine’s App of the Year Children love Brush Up™ and so do parents.. Brush Up is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 142.58 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.7/5 by 8.52k users || Free ||

Upgrade your game. HomeCourt is the free, interactive basketball app that helps anyone get better.. HomeCourt is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 364.87 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

GEIST (Memorado)

Rated 4.7/5 by 8.87k users || Free ||

Join the leading brain training program with over 10 million members worldwide and give your cognitive skills a boost. Try it now.. GEIST (Memorado) is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 148.90 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.7/5 by 136.53k users || Free ||

Maximize your full potential by challenging yourself with Peak, designed to help you expand your mental skills with 45+ fun and rewarding games. Peak has 45+ games covering six categories, carefully developed with you in mind.. Peak is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 408.11 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.7/5 by 101.36k users || Free ||

Lumosity’s cognitive training program is a fun, interactive way to train your brain and learn about how your mind works. Used by over 100 million people worldwide, Lumosity’s program consists of games designed to exercise memory, speed, flexibility and problem-solving.. Lumosity is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 245.51 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.6/5 by 21.38k users || Free ||

Train your brain with BrainHQ from Posit Science—the most rigorous program available for better brain health, and the only one backed by more than 100 scientific papers showing benefits - including the breakthrough NIH-funded ACTIVE study. Now with new features that contribute to your brain fitness success.. BrainHQ is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 212.97 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Sleepmaker Rain 1

Rated 2.6/5 by 14 people || Free ||

Medically speaking you need a great nights sleep. And who doesn’t love the rain.. Sleepmaker Rain 1 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 36.78 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Fitivity Soccer Training

Rated 3.3/5 by 13 people || Free ||

Use this app if you want to become an elite soccer player. This app includes training programs for soccer shooting, dribbling, footwork, passing, and more.. Fitivity Soccer Training is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 132.61 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Migraine Buddy

Rated 4.8/5 by 26.80k users || Free ||

Rated the #1 Headache and Migraine Tracking App. Join close to 3 million users who are taking control of their headaches and migraine.. Migraine Buddy is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 168.90 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.7/5 by 62.05k users || Free ||

Flora is a new way to stay off your phone, clear to-do lists, and build positive, life-changing habits. Whenever you want to make progress towards your goals, plant a seed in Flora.. Flora is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 128.15 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.5/5 by 5.91k users || Free ||

Featured on the App Store: "App of the Day", “Big Apps From Small Teams”, “Apps You Need This Week”, & “Apps Made by Women” Designed for high-achieving students and productivity enthusiasts, Flipd has helped millions of users reach their daily, weekly, and monthly productivity goals. If you’re working toward any goal, like studying for final exams or learning something new, track your progress and stay motivated with Flipd, a sophisticated and beautifully designed productivity timer.. Flipd is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 180.34 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Brainie Lite

Rated 3/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Be focused while working. Be relaxed while you're resting.. Brainie Lite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 42.25 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Focus Builder

Rated 4.1/5 by 14 people || $39.99 ||

Focus Builder is optimized for use on an iPad. Eye movements are a very powerful way to exercise the brain and to create long-term change in the brain, known as plasticity.. Focus Builder is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 104.58 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.6/5 by 98 people || Free ||

For anyone who struggles to hear conversation in noisy places, Chatable will help. Chatable AI removes background noise and provides clear and loud speech.. Chatable is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 50.60 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 10.15k users || $1.99 ||

When you need relaxation, diversion or just a moment of distraction enjoy this collection of toys: hear the sound of a bamboo chime, play with wooden boxes, swipe gently your finger in the water, tap buttons, draw with chalks and so on. Are you waiting for something and you need a diversion.. Antistress is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 140.21 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Eye Relax

Rated 4.3/5 by 71 people || Free ||

If you are working with a computer this is the app for you. ========================================= Eye Relax app offers simple eye relaxation exercises to help you reduce eyestrain.. Eye Relax is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 68.25 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Breathe to Relax Pranayama App

Rated 4.7/5 by 91 people || Free ||

Increasing life energy, strength training results, better mood and improved general state are effects of deep breathing. Breath is perfect stress management tool.. Breathe to Relax Pranayama App is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 29.13 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

SPA Music

Rated 3/5 by 6 people || $0.99 ||

ONLY THIS WEEK- OUR SPA MUSIC APP IS ON SALE FOR $0. 99 (NORMALLY $1.. SPA Music is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 388.14 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.7/5 by 539.12k users || Free ||

Listen to thousands of live radio stations, tune in to podcasts and stream unlimited music playlists for any mood or activity, all in one app. The iHeartRadio app for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch is easy to use and best of all, it's FREE.. iHeart is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 126.23 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

DJ Mixer

Rated 4.5/5 by 129.63k users || Free ||

edjing Mix is a virtual DJ pro that allows you to mix music like a true DJ. With its turntable interface and DG technology, you can easily create mashups and song mixes like a pro.. DJ Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 402.27 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Rated 5/5 by 2 people || $4.99 ||

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is a music theory tool for musicians exploring jazz and a variety of music styles that incorporate musical modes. For a beginner version of Circle of Fifths, check out our Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 edition, where you can explore major keys and relative minor keys.. Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 15.87 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

mPV Course Exploring The Mixer

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $6.99 ||

The Pro Tools mixer is legendary –and mixing in Pro Tools is a required skill for anyone who wants to make it in the recording business. Learn all about basic mixing, signal flow and automation in this Pro Tools 10, Avid Learning Partner tutorial: Exploring the Mixer.. mPV Course Exploring The Mixer is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 547.99 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Tiny Piano

Rated 4.6/5 by 6.57k users || Free ||

The easiest way to play piano. Play with your eyes closed and fool your friends.. Tiny Piano is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 21.85 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 24.09 million users || Free ||

With the Spotify music and podcast app, you can play millions of songs, albums and original podcasts for free. Stream music and podcasts, discover albums, playlists or even single songs for free on your mobile or tablet.. Spotify is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 128.31 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 8.91 million users || Free ||

Create stations from your favorite songs, artists or genres, search or browse to find recommended stations for your mood or activity, and discover podcasts that speak to you. Download today and get instant access to your favorite artists and podcasts, while staying up to date on the most recent singles and releases.. Pandora is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 205.67 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.9/5 by 6.54 million users || Free ||

Shazam will identify any song in seconds. Discover artists, lyrics, videos & playlists, all for free.. Shazam is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 41.15 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.71 million users || Free ||

"Best free music player app and I’ve tried all of them" - FaisalBeanzi "Best music experience I have used on the App Store to date. " - Lupini66444 Musi lets you bookmark and organize your favourite music videos, build playlists, share with friends, and more.. Musi is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 29.90 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 2.36 million users || Free ||

Enjoy ad-free music, live sports, original talk, entertainment shows, & more on SiriusXM. Catch the latest Howard Stern episodes, exclusive comedy and podcasts, and US & world news with SiriusXM Streaming.. SiriusXM is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 295.33 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Amazon Music

Rated 4.7/5 by 1.95 million users || Free ||

We're changing the way you discover and play the music you love. Listen free to music and podcasts with ads—no credit card required.. Amazon Music is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 108.05 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus


Rated 4.8/5 by 1.34 million users || Free ||

Audiomack is the GLOBAL streaming music app that lets you download and offline the hottest albums, songs, mixtapes and playlists. Discover buzzing new songs by browsing our trending page and get the latest music updates by following your favorite artists.. Audiomack is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 118.47 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

YouTube Music

Rated 4.8/5 by 945.21k users || Free ||

Connecting you to the world of music: ● More than 70 million official songs ● Music content including live performances, covers, remixes and music content you can’t find elsewhere ● Thousands of curated playlist across many genres and activities Get personalized music, perfect for every moment: ● Personalized playlists and Mixes ● Activity mixes made for you ● Create playlists with song suggestions or collaborate with other music fans to create the perfect playlist ● Neatly organized Library to see all of your liked and added songs, playlists you created, and artists you subscribed to Stay on top of the trend and discover new music: ● Check out new releases ● Discover music based genres (Hip Hop, Pop, Country, Dance & Electronic, Blues, Indie & Alternative, Jazz, Kpop, Latin, Rock, and more) ● Discover music based mood (Chill, Feel Good, Energy Booster, Sleep, Focus, Romance, Workout, Commute, Party) ● Explore top charts from all over the world Enhanced your listening experience with unique features: ● Song lyrics so you can sing along to your favorites ● Upload songs from your devices so you can enjoy them in one place with YouTube Music ● Listen on your phone, desktop, smart speaker, smart TV, car, smart watch and within your favorite apps. ● Compatible with Google Maps, Waze, Google Assistant, and more.. YouTube Music is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 160.00 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

TuneIn Radio

Rated 4.8/5 by 845.26k users || Free ||

HEAR WHAT MATTERS TO YOU With TuneIn, stream local AM/FM stations (plus 100,000+ global stations) on all your devices, plus live news, game-winning sports coverage, music for every mood, podcasts for every passion, and more. HEAR YOUR WORLD Your Radio.. TuneIn Radio is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 85.16 MB.

alternatives to Rain Sounds - Relax and Focus

Sonos S1 Controller

Rated 4.7/5 by 792.15k users || Free ||

This app controls systems that include the earliest Sonos products: Zone Players, Play:5 (Gen 1), Bridge, Connect (Gen 1) and Connect:Amp (Gen 1) Easily control your system. Adjust volume levels, group rooms, save favorites, set alarms, and more.. Sonos S1 Controller is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 115.91 MB.
