Day Counter & Tracker - Since alternatives

49 Day Counter Tracker Alternatives

    Published by Necati Aydin

  • License: Free | Updated: 2024-11-29 | Current Version: 4.20.0 | File Size: 32.03 MB

Apps Similar to Day Counter Tracker

What are the best Apps most similar Day Counter Tracker? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.4/5 by 24.83k users || Free ||

Stepz is a convenient step counter app that leverages the clever Apple Motion Coprocessor which collects your motion data automatically in the background while saving battery life. This simple pedometer app has been specifically developed for the iPhone and Apple Watch.. Stepz is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 61.18 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

FREE Carb Counter

Rated 1.8/5 by 136 people || Free ||

A simple no frills carb counting app. It makes it simple to keep up with your total carb count throughout the day and keep a historical record.. FREE Carb Counter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 11.67 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Calorie Mama AI

Rated 4.8/5 by 4.39k users || Free ||

The simplest and easy-to-use calorie counter app - Automatically count calories by taking food photos. - Recognizes even complex dishes from restaurants - Meal plans and recipes (Keto, Paleo, Vegan, etc) - Training plans created by top personal trainers Automatically count calories by taking food photos.. Calorie Mama AI is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 207.65 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Carb One ~ Carb Counter

Rated 1/5 by 3 people || $0.99 ||

Carb One is a complete and easy-to-use Carbohydrate Tracker application. The app is designed for people who are on a low-carb diet.. Carb One ~ Carb Counter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.83 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Lose It!

Rated 4.8/5 by 560.83k users || Free ||

Lose It. is a calorie counting, nutrition tracking, and intermittent fasting tool that helps you ditch the unwanted behaviors that are holding you back from reaching your weight goals.. Lose It! is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 238.74 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Tap & Track Calorie Counter

Rated 4.3/5 by 821 people || $3.99 ||

Contains the largest OFFLINE food database of any iPhone calorie counter (over 500,000 foods). Perfect for both, iPod Touch and iPhone users.. Tap & Track Calorie Counter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 75.16 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary

Rated 4.8/5 by 8.90k users || $3.99 ||

Discover the diet app that takes care of what the other apps don’t. MyNetDiary - sleek, smart, simple.. Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 283.73 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

健康卡路里 Calorie Counter 卡路里消耗記錄

Rated 4/5 by 0 users || $0.99 ||

■功能特色: ¤支援離線搜尋3700筆食物熱量~ ¤個人評估建議~ ¤運動計時器,自動計算運動所消耗熱量~ ¤快速新增食物與運動功能~ ¤每日餐種比例圓餅圖,飲食管理一目了然~ ¤自訂個人分類~ ¤自訂每日目標熱量~ ¤體脂肪率與BMI值計算~ ¤每日自動提醒,讓你天天都不忘記錄~ ¤設定私人密碼,保護您的個人隱私~ ¤體重變化紀錄圖表~ ¤透過iTunes備份個人紀錄~ 假期大魚大肉、飲食不均衡、、工作壓力大、生活作息紊亂的壞習慣是身材走樣的主要肇因。健康卡路里不但可以輕鬆紀錄已攝取熱量的總表, 更加入私人密碼的貼心設計, 保護您的個人體重變化資料, 隱私不外洩。使用者現在只要輸入菜單名稱, 無論是路邊攤小吃或是便利商店, 都可在離線狀態下, 搜尋食物所含的卡路里。運用「健康卡路里」, 就像是隨身的健康日記, 它會告訴你今天該如何吃才是正確的飲食方式, 並提醒適量的運動、消耗卡路里、促進新陳代謝有助於減重和提升自己的身體健康。 ■Features: ¤Works offline – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED ¤Customized daily calorie intake based on your goals ¤BMI & Body Fat calculator ¤Quick add food & activity ¤Weight tracking ¤Customized goals based on your profile –gender,height,weight,age, activity level, etc. ¤Activity Stopwatch ¤Build your own custom group & custom foods ¤PIN protection ¤Daily Alarm ¤Beautifully-designed app ¤Back up your personal data (iTunes) 健康卡路里提醒使用者, 人體的營養需求, 包括適當的熱量、各種營養素等, 都需要從日常飲食中攝取足量, 才不致發生營養失衡的現象。正確的飲食觀念, 規律生活作息配合適量的運動:才不會因荷爾蒙紊亂而影響新陳代謝。希望大家都能維持健康的體重~減重大家一起來.. 健康卡路里 Calorie Counter 卡路里消耗記錄 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 18.59 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.9/5 by 28.32k users || Free ||

We are leading a movement to a future where all beauty is clean beauty. We are powered by people, and our collective mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone.. Beautycounter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 109.60 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Pedometer Step Counter

Rated 2.6/5 by 7 people || Free ||

Do you move enough today in maintaining your everyday healthy life. Pedometer Step Counter is a health and fitness app to track how many steps you have taken every day.. Pedometer Step Counter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 4.81 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Holiday Backgrounds & Holiday Wallpapers Free

Rated 4.2/5 by 44 people || Free ||

●●● Best Holiday Wallpaper & Background app in the app store ●●● Are you looking for amazing Holiday Wallpapers & Backgrounds to spicy up your device. Or just looking for a cool way to pimp up your gadget with Holiday Wallpapers & Backgrounds.. Holiday Backgrounds & Holiday Wallpapers Free is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 21.17 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Birthday Party Invitations Maker

Rated 4.6/5 by 36 people || Free ||

Gather your friends for a celebration and send them an original invite with the amazing Birthday Party Invitations Maker. The Best Collection of Happy B-day Greeting e-Cards gives you the chance to express your creativity and design unique invitations and birthday cards.. Birthday Party Invitations Maker is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 27.72 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Joom. Shopping

Rated 4.7/5 by 65.35k users || Free ||

Thousands of things to choose from, to suit any taste — all this, plus free shipping, available now on Joom. Joom is an app for online shopping, used by over 250 million customers from across the world.. Joom. Shopping is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 125.22 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

30 Day Fitness

Rated 4.3/5 by 56.23k users || Free ||

Ready for the 30 Day Fitness Challenge. Start training today to see tangible results and get fit.. 30 Day Fitness is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 241.56 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

倒数日 · Days Matter

Rated 4.9/5 by 4.29k users || Free ||

-=App Store 中国免费排行榜 Top 1=- 「倒数日 · Days Matter」是一个帮你记录生活中重要日子的小工具,例如:恋人生日还有多少天?还信用卡还有多少天?发工资还有多少天?宝宝出生已经多少天?距离世界末日还有多少天…… =主要功能= · 万年支持:支持从公元元年 1 月 1 日到公元 9999 年 12 月 31 日的倒数/正数日期,你可以计算诸如美国独立多少日、与女朋友交往多少日、宝宝出生多少日…… · iCity 云端同步:保护你的重要资料 · 农历支持:支持从 1901 年至 2049 年的农历日期 · 通知中心挂件、Apple Watch & iMessage App · 三种默认分类:纪念日、工作、生活,支持自定义更多分类 · 历史上的今天与明天 · 日期计算器 · 自定义事件背景 · 高级功能:密码保护,通过 Face ID / Touch ID 解锁 欢迎反馈你的需求给我们 ^_^ Clover 四叶新媒体荣誉出品 鸣谢: iPad. ly | 网址最短的中文 iPhone+iPad 资源分享网站荣誉推荐 ———— 关于程序内提供的「按月订阅」功能: 您可以在程序内使用 iTunes 自动续订功能获取会员专属功能,我们提供「每月 CNY ¥3」套餐。 确认购买后,将会从您的 iTunes 帐户中收取费用。您可以在每个周期结束至少 24 小时前取消下个周期的订阅,每个周期结束 24 小时内将会自动续订,已订阅的周期将无法取消。 隐私保护政策:https://clover.. 倒数日 · Days Matter is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 141.63 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Big Day Lite

Rated 4/5 by 31 people || Free ||

Are you looking for widgets to track your events. Here is the widget app to help you see your events on your Home Screen at a glance.. Big Day Lite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 19.74 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

DayCount • Habit Tracker

Rated 4.7/5 by 24.10k users || Free ||

DayCount can remember all your events, alert you when you want to be reminded and track your time, so you focus on what’s important to you, and boost your productivity - day in, day out. Features • Countdown the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds until your events.. DayCount • Habit Tracker is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 179.43 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Women's Day eCards & Greetings

Rated 4.7/5 by 8.24k users || Free ||

Women's Day is meant to appreciate those who have the biggest but quietest influence in our lives. It can be mom who balances work and home beautifully or grandma who stuns you with her spirit and courage.. Women's Day eCards & Greetings is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 40.59 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Greeting Cards Collection

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Surprise your dear ones and send them a congratulation note with Greeting Cards Collection free app. Personalize and send beautiful greetings to your friends and family directly from your iPhone or iPad.. Greeting Cards Collection is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 36.13 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

21 Day Fix

Rated 4.6/5 by 2.34k users || Free ||

Track your Nutrition and Workout Plan with this easy to use app. Add colored containers for each meal while seeing the remaining portions for each container you have left.. 21 Day Fix is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 8.50 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.8/5 by 24 people || Free ||

Sincerely is a place to get things off your chest and listen to others. It is a safe place to share your secrets, questions, struggles, deep thoughts, emotions, and untold stories.. Sincerely is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 12.96 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Since iQuit

Rated 2.8/5 by 16 people || Free ||

Since iQuit is a very simple app to keep track of the time since stopping smoking, drinking, or anything else you want to track. It also provides an estimated financial saving and acts as a motivational aid.. Since iQuit is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 20.86 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.6/5 by 69.09k users || Free ||

Welcome to the world of Fabulous. Unlock the power of habits and routines.. Fabulous is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 290.85 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Running Walking Tracker Goals

Rated 4.8/5 by 57.59k users || Free ||

Ready to achieve your fitness goals. Improve your health and get in great shape with the free GOALS app.. Running Walking Tracker Goals is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.21 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Sleep Tracker ++

Rated 4.4/5 by 8.13k users || $1.99 ||

Sleep Tracker ++, also known as SleepMatic, automatically tracks your sleep from your Apple Watch like Fitbit. No buttons to press, just wear your watch to sleep.. Sleep Tracker ++ is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 55.77 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Period Tracker by GP Apps

Rated 4.8/5 by 59.76k users || Free ||

Period Tracker, the easiest way to track your health. *Now supports HealthKit, 3DTouch, TouchID, portrait charts, Advanced TTC Mode (the easiest way to get pregnant by following the homepage timeline’s simple prompted instructions.. Period Tracker by GP Apps is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 83.91 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Mi Claro PR

Rated 3/5 by 2.88k users || Free ||

Claro, servicio móvil, consumo de minutos, datos, llamadas, roaming, facturas, pagos, Puerto Rico, PR, servicio de telefonía fija. .. Mi Claro PR is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4/5 by 2.18k users || Free ||

Text Editor By SavySoda™ - Take your notes anywhere - A simple rich text editor with Google Documents synchronization and Portrait / Landscape mode. Edit different formats of documents: - TXT, RTF, RTFD, RTA, HTML View many types of documents including: - PDF - DOC, DOCX, MORE FEATURES - Edit text in landscape and portrait mode - Save multiple files - Browse saved files - Upload / Download from google docs - Beautiful UI.. TextEditor is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Riffle Raffle

Rated 5/5 by 1.05k users || Free ||

Riffle Raffle is built for direct sales consultants. Create custom raffles to engage with your client base.. Riffle Raffle is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Econo SMS Mobile

Rated 4/5 by 11 people || Free ||

With Econo SMS Mobile, the users and buyers of the Econo Supermarkets stores will have access to the Product Market where they will find the products offered in the Econo Market by the farmers of Puerto Rico. The buyer can see the product, its specifications and begin the purchase process.. Econo SMS Mobile is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4/5 by 4 people || Free ||

MercadoEcono ofrece la oportunidad para promover la agricultura de Puerto Rico. Los agricultores podrán someter ofertas a Supermercados Econo Inc de los productos que cultivan en sus fincas, aceptar y entregar ordenes generados y ver los pagos sometidos hacia sus perfiles.. MercadoEcono is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

DUB Business

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

[ESPAÑOL] DUB Business es una applicacion para los comercios activos en Dame Un Bite. En este app podrán recibir órdenes nuevas y ver los detalles del pedido, manejar órdenes en tránsito y ver la información de contacto del cliente.. DUB Business is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Carrier Puerto Rico HVAC Pro+

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

At Carrier Puerto Rico we strive to simplify the lives of HVAC professionals, saving them time and hassle through innovative digital tools. Our mobile application provides easy and immediate access to purchase, to check order status and to obtain product information and documentation.. Carrier Puerto Rico HVAC Pro+ is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Recarga PR

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Recarga conecta estos comercios al sistema de Fast Card® para que puedan ofrecer al consumidor el mejor servicio. Recarga ofrece servicio para recargar el balance de todos los planes de prepago disponibles en Puerto Rico.. Recarga PR is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Rico Telecom

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

O Aplicativo é para você, usuário da Rico Telecom acessar os serviços de recarga, consulta de saldo (voz, internet e de recarga) e outros, de forma rápida, simples e na hora que quiser. Com o aplicativo você poderá: - Realizar a recarga; - Consultar seu saldo de voz (minutos); - Consultar seu saldo de dados (internet); - Consultar seu saldo de recarga (dinheiro em saldo); - Saber a data de validade de seu plano; - Hist.. Rico Telecom is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Coin Flip Plus

Rated 4/5 by 731 people || Free ||

Wanna flip a coin for a hard decision. This app let you select your favorite coins to try your luck.. Coin Flip Plus is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 46.71 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.6/5 by 2.46k users || Free ||

SYNC your tasks with Google/Gmail and across your Mac, iPhone & iPad devices. Never liked your tasks app.. gTasks is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 22.53 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Mobile Scanner App

Rated 4.8/5 by 31.37k users || Free ||

Mobile Scanner is a free-to-download and all-in-one scanner app. Scan any documents, paper notes, photos, receipts, and books into clear PDFs and pictures.. Mobile Scanner App is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 87.92 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

HP Smart

Rated 4.8/5 by 2.69 million users || Free ||

Print, scan, and share files by using HP Smart with your HP Printer. HP Smart makes it easy to get started and keeps you going with features like Print Anywhere or Mobile Fax.. HP Smart is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 128.81 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

1Password 7 • Password Manager

Rated 4.3/5 by 28.87k users || Free ||

1Password remembers all your passwords for you, and keeps them safe and secure behind the one password that only you know. 1Password: the password manager that's as beautiful and simple as it is secure.. 1Password 7 • Password Manager is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 130.72 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Microsoft Outlook

Rated 4.8/5 by 5.17 million users || Free ||

Outlook lets you bring all your email accounts and calendars in one convenient spot. Whether it's staying on top of your inbox or scheduling the next big thing, we make it easy to be your most productive, organized, and connected self.. Microsoft Outlook is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 307.46 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Google Drive

Rated 4.8/5 by 5.04 million users || Free ||

Google Drive, part of Google Workspace, is a safe place to back up and access all your files from any device. Easily invite others to view, edit, or leave comments on any of your files or folders.. Google Drive is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 205.82 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Yahoo Mail

Rated 4.7/5 by 3.10 million users || Free ||

It's time to get stuff done with the Yahoo Mail app. Just add your Gmail, Outlook, AOL or Yahoo Mail to get going.. Yahoo Mail is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 265.79 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Microsoft Word

Rated 4.7/5 by 1.65 million users || Free ||

The trusted Word app lets you create, edit, view, and share your files with others quickly and easily. Send, view and edit Office docs attached to emails from your phone with this powerful word processing app from Microsoft.. Microsoft Word is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 262.96 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Google Docs

Rated 4.8/5 by 1.50 million users || Free ||

Create, edit, and collaborate on online documents with the Google Docs app. Work together in real time • Share documents with your team • Edit, comment, and add action items in real time • Never lose changes or previous versions of your document with version history Create anywhere, anytime—even offline • Capture spontaneous ideas on the fly • Get things done, even on the go, with offline mode • Save time and add polish with easy-to-use templates Search Google right in Docs • Use Google Search without leaving your document • Search the web and your files in Drive, right from Docs Edit and share multiple file types • Open a variety of files, including Microsoft Word files, right in Google Docs • Frictionless collaboration, no matter which application your teammates use • Convert and export files seamlessly Google Docs is part of Google Workspace: where teams of any size can chat, create, and collaborate.. Google Docs is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 188.07 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.6/5 by 1.45 million users || Free ||

■ Features: - Unlimited time, Unlimited data, Unlimited bandwidth - No registration or login required - No Log is saved from any users - Simple, one tap connect to VPN - Protect your security and privacy - Support for multiple devices for the same account - Support 9. 0 for Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod) ■ What can I do with a VPN.. VPN is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 51.28 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since


Rated 4.9/5 by 1.02 million users || Free ||

The most intelligent scanner app Trusted by 750M+ users CamScanner is an all-in-one scanner app. It turns your mobile device into a powerful portable scanner that recognizes text automatically (OCR) and improves your productivity to save your time.. CamScanner is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 209.24 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Genius Scan

Rated 4.9/5 by 917.10k users || Free ||

Genius Scan is a document scanner app in your pocket. Quickly scan your paper documents on the go and export them as multi-page PDF files.. Genius Scan is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 49.30 MB.

alternatives to Day Counter & Tracker - Since

Google Sheets

Rated 4.8/5 by 895.18k users || Free ||

Create, edit, and collaborate on spreadsheets with the Google Sheets app. With Sheets you can: * Create new spreadsheets or edit existing ones * Share spreadsheets and collaborate with others in the same spreadsheet at the same time * Work anywhere, anytime - even offline * Format cells, enter/sort data, view charts, insert formulas, use find/replace, and more * Never worry about losing your work -- everything is automatically saved as you type * Open, edit, and save Excel files Google Sheets is part of Google Workspace: where teams of any size can chat, create, and collaborate.. Google Sheets is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 248.94 MB.
