Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Тhe fairy-tale puzzles are entertaining and interesting applications that teach children to be alert, attentive and creative. Three Little Pigs Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle Jigsaw contains 10 chronologically arranged illustrations, with three difficulty levels each.. Three Little Pigs Puzzle Jigsaw is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 34.63 MB.
Rated 4.3/5 by 38 people || Free ||
"Amazing. I immediately upgraded to the paid version.. Little Speller is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 14.53 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 59 people || Free ||
Goldilocks and the three bears is a wonderful storybook multilingual, illustrated by Michelle Katherine Martin, with text and narrations that your kids will love. This is the "lite" version, so you will find the first pages of the book, and if you like it, the book can be purchased within the app.. Goldilocks and the three bears is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 37.97 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 4 people || Free ||
No challenge, however daunting, is insurmountable. That’s what fairy tales teach us again and again with David versus Goliath clarity.. Three Billy Goats Gruff is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 559.37 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 3 people || Free ||
Arrange the squares to match the color that appears, for each three arrangements you get to score a point if the colors match. Can you unlock all the achievements .. SquareMatch is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 71.94 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Use of gyroscope and microphone, fun activity pack with puzzles and games within the story book – everything you need for playing and learning to read. Story Book app Features -Cute little Piggies -3 different reading modes -Professional voice over -Amusing sound effects -Age-appropriate text with a happy ending -Original animated illustrations on every page -Packed with stuff to tap and enjoy -Loads of interactive surprises using microphone and gyroscope -Fun Activity Pack Numerous ways to interact with Piggies -Blow into the microphone to huff and puff like a wolf; -Tilt your iPad forwards and backwards, and from side to side to enjoy the animation; -Tap Piggies to see them jump the rope, play volleyball, and have fun on a tire swing; -Tap the Big Bad Wolf to blow the houses down; -Tap the houses to see them restore again; 3 Reading Modes Listen & Play -Listen and tap objects in each scene; -Kids are in control of the animation; -for those kids who want to enjoy being read to and to play at the same time; -word-by-word highlighting; Autoplay: -Perfect for kids who just want to enjoy an animated fairy tale; -Word-by-word highlighting; Read myself: -Ideal for kids who love reading on their own; -Kids control the flow of the story themselves; -Spend as much time as you want on each page; “The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf” offers you a new reading experience every time you read the book.. Kids Apps ∙ The Three Little Piggies and Big Bad Wolf. is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 92.56 MB.
Rated 3.7/5 by 84 people || Free ||
*** AS SEEN ON EVERY NEW iPAD2, iPHONE and iPOD TOUCH IN EVERY APPLE STORE IN THE WORLD. .. Fish Fingers! 3D Interactive Aquarium FREE is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 18.01 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Onid Valley™. (that's DINO spelled backwards) is the magical land where the adorable Dino-Buddies™ live and play.. Dino-Buddies is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 220.31 MB.
Rated 4.5/5 by 8 people || $0.99 ||
Made for iPad. And works beautifully on the iPod Touch and iPhone devices too.. Jack and the Beanstalk Interactive Storybook is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 144.75 MB.
Rated 3.8/5 by 201 people || Free ||
Remember to try Fish Fingers. and Dolphin Fingers.. Shark Fingers! 3D Interactive Aquarium FREE is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 23.62 MB.
Rated 2/5 by 2 people || Free ||
Kids love to read exciting stories and they also love to play games. What happens when you combine the two.. Interactive Stories & Cartoons is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 45.63 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 53 people || $2.99 ||
Positively, the BEST Alphabet experience from crib to kindergarten. Baby - A guided A to Z touchable tour (ages 1+) Explore - discover hands-on interactive letter toys (ages 2+) Sing - Sing along with letterbots.. Interactive Alphabet ABC's is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 174.48 MB.
Rated 4.2/5 by 22 people || Free ||
***** Kids loves this app. .. Telling the time is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 86.05 MB.
Rated 4.2/5 by 105 people || Free ||
I GOT THIS, created by UC Berkeley’s The Lawrence Hall of Science, is an interactive, first-person, educational story that follows a young teenage girl who discovers that she has type 2 diabetes, one of the fastest growing diseases in the US and around the world. Told in a real-world setting, I GOT THIS focuses on the causes, symptoms, prevention, and social aspects of the life-changing disease.. I Got This is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 101.43 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 234 people || Free ||
- Selected by Apple as iPhone App of the Week in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Overall New & Noteworthy in France, China - Discover an easy and fun way to learn analog/digital clocks. - 2012 Parents' Choice Silver Award winner - Parents' Choice Foundation - Learn to tell the time in different languages.. Interactive Telling Time is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 67.67 MB.
Rated 1/5 by 0 users || Free ||
With our 'Little Genius' application, we aim at improving the mental and cognitive skills of children in the 24-60 months of age range and supporting their mental development through an entertaining method. The application comes in a game format and consists of 36 levels.. Little Genius is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 85.33 MB.
Rated 3.9/5 by 91 people || $2.99 ||
Ranked #1 kids app in 64 different countries since launch Peppa is visiting the Theme Park, and she wants you to come too. Join Peppa and her friends as they head to the theme park in this official app.. Peppa Pig is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 418.14 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 7 people || Free ||
New Monster Zombie Pig game every Sunday in July. Check out the previous game.. Monster Zombie Pigs Soar is suitable for ages 9+. It's filesize is 16.92 MB.
Rated 4.2/5 by 30 people || Free ||
Word Pic Quiz Pro Football - Download the amazingly ADDICTIVE football player naming game with BEAUTIFUL HD images of the most famous athletes in the league history. How many can you name.. Word Pic Quiz Pro Football Stumper- Name the Most Famous Pigskin Players in the Game is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 22.68 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 7 people || Free ||
Play the most epically fun mini golf game of all time. Putt-putt your way through 9-holes of toy obstacles.. Little Tikes Mini Golf is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 169.98 MB.
Rated 3.6/5 by 73 people || Free ||
Educational Christmas coloring pages for girls and boys. === Pros === • VERY easy to use • NO Ads • LARGE selection of Christmas pictures to color • ITEMS to add to pictures • PLEASANT sounds and animations • 75 Colors • SAVING images to your photo library • RETINA screen support • BOTH iPhone & iPad === Pictures === In this app you will find 42 pictures with friendly bears, beautiful ponies, funny pets, cute toons and more.. Christmas Coloring Pages is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 73.62 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Princess Coloring Book is a game where you will find the best pictures and drawings so you can choose the color them from your smartphone or tablets. The app is about one of the most entertaining games for princess coloring pages, that you can get installed.. Pony Princess Fairy Coloring Book is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 18.75 MB.
Rated 2.9/5 by 27 people || Free ||
The official My Little Pony companion app for Painting Lulu's coloring set. *** Full Access Only $2.. Painting Lulu My Little Pony is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 24.64 MB.
Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||
Bíblia Sagrada João Ferreira de Almeida. Antigo Testamento e Novo Testamento Lista de cabeças (Antigo Testamento): Gênesis, Êxodo, Levítico, Números, Deuteronômio, Josué, Juízes, Rute, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Reis, II Reis, I Crônicas, II Crônicas, Esdras, Neemias, Ester, Jó, Salmos, Provérbios, Eclesiastes, Cântico dos Cânticos, Sabedoria, Eclesiástico, Isaías, Jeremias, Lamentações, Baruc, Ezequiel, Daniel, Oséias, Joel, Amós, Abdias, Jonas, Miquéias, Naum, Habacuc, Sofonias, Ageu, Zacarias, Malaquias Lista de cabeças (Novo Testamento): São Mateus, São Marcos, São Lucas, São João, Atos dos Apóstolos, Romanos, I Coríntios, II Coríntios, Gálatas, Efésios, Filipenses, Colossenses, I Tessalonicenses, II Tessalonicenses, I Timóteo, II Timóteo, Tito, Filêmon, Hebreus, São Tiago, I São Pedro, II São Pedro, I São João, II São João, III São João, São Judas, Apocalipse João Ferreira de Almeida O que se sabe hoje da vida de Almeida está registrado na Dedicatória de um de seus livros e nas atas dos presbitérios de Igrejas Reformadas do Sudeste da Ásia, para as quais trabalhou como pastor, missionário e tradutor, durante a segunda metade do século XVII.. Bíblia JFA Off-line is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 12.73 MB.
Rated 4.1/5 by 24 people || Free ||
Great app to listen to your favorite music. Download music to your dropbox and listen in-app offline.. Cloud Music is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 58.44 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 35 people || $2.99 ||
• Bilingual English to Spanish and Spanish to English dictionary • Spanish to English word and phrase translator and translation • Over 350K words and phrase can be used in offline • Offline pronunciation and translate any sentences • Scan text in image by pointing camera to search in dictionary • Designed for student, teacher, tourist and language learners • Having thesaurus, synonyms and antonyms • Translate individual words, phrases, or whole sentences • Tap a word for cross searching • Bookmark and Recent history for instant recall • Word of the day to learn IELTS, TOEFL and SAT words • Multiple games help to improve English and Spanish vocabulary • Offline Pronunciation helps to learn words properly • Flash card and Word of the Day helps to improve vocabulary • Phrase book, Phrase of the day and Phrase Card helps to speak common phrases • Quote of the Day improves wisdom and motivation.. Spanish Dictionary Elite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 148.50 MB.
Rated 3.8/5 by 267 people || Free ||
MangaMan is a popular manga reading platform. Update every day and easy to read.. Manga Rock Pro is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 69.93 MB.
Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $4.99 ||
在浩如烟海的史书古籍里,有那么一本神奇的书,围绕着它身上的谜团一直没有解开,书中讲的到底是什么?成书于何时?作者是谁?等等一系列的问题,从来都是众说纷纭,却一直没有一个令人信服的答案。 这本书就是《山海经》。 APP收录传世版本共计18卷,包括《山经》5卷,《海经》13卷。主要内容是民间传说中的地理知识,包括山川、道里、民族、物产、药物、祭祀、巫医等。保存了包括夸父逐日、精卫填海、大禹治水等相关内容在内的不少脍炙人口的远古神话传说和寓言故事。 《山海经》具有非凡的文献价值,对中国古代历史、地理、文化、中外交通、民俗、神话等的研究,均有参考。其中的矿物记录,更是世界上最早的有关文献.. 山海经-图文绘本 is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 397.63 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 4.37 million users || Free ||
Relaxing by the fire or traveling — enjoy storytelling that speaks to you with Audible. Audiobooks, podcasts and Audible Originals await in an all-in-one audio entertainment app.. Audible is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 96.68 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 3.85 million users || Free ||
READ ANYTIME, ANYWHERE On the bus, on your break, in your bed—never be without a book. Kindle books you have purchased on Amazon will automatically appear in your app.. Amazon Kindle is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 141.49 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 2.22 million users || Free ||
All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries.. Libby, by OverDrive is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 17.05 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 726.61k users || Free ||
Tap into Discovery. Instantly Read, Listen, and Watch with Your Library card.. hoopla Digital is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 44.03 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 655.11k users || Free ||
Wattpad. Where stories live.. Wattpad is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 125.95 MB.
Rated 4.8/5 by 450.79k users || Free ||
Discover stories that matter to you, from readers like you. Goodreads is the world's largest community of readers.. Goodreads is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 101.67 MB.
Rated 4.4/5 by 158.16k users || Free ||
Dreame – Great Story Starts Here Hey story lovers. Come and check this out.. Dreame is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 58.85 MB.
Rated 4.9/5 by 139.66k users || Free ||
Your OFFICIAL source to read the world’s most popular manga, straight from Japan. ALL YOUR FAVORITE SERIES IN ONE PLACE.. Shonen Jump Manga & Comics is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 29.92 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 132.98k users || Free ||
A must-have app for library users. Easily borrow physical items using your mobile device, receive reminders, manage receipts and discover new digital content all within the cloudLibrary app.. cloudLibrary by bibliotheca is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 104.39 MB.
Rated 4.7/5 by 118.19k users || Free ||
المصحف الذهبي: هو أحدث تطبيقات القرآن الكريم كاملا (مصحف إلكتروني) التي تم تطويرها لخدمة المستخدم بالاستفادة من التقنيات الحديثة المتوفرة، وهو تطبيق متخصص بعرض وتحميل سور القرآن الكريم واستماعه بصورة تفاعلية ميسرة. يوظف التطبيق البيئة الجديدة على هواتف الآي فون والآيباد مما يتيح للمستخدم التفاعل مع القرآن الكريم بسهولة ويسر مع الاحتفاظ بجماليات المصحف الشريف من خطوط ونقوش دلائل الآيات والسور.. Golden Quran | المصحف الذهبي is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 209.02 MB.