Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby alternatives

40 Apgar Score Alternatives

    Published by Better Leap Media

  • License: Free | Updated: 2016-06-03 | Current Version: 1.1 | File Size: 9.60 MB

Apps Similar to Apgar Score

What are the best Apps most similar Apgar Score? Here are the top Apps we found. Enjoy these Alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby on Android, iPhone & iPad.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

MyScorecard Concierge Service

Rated 1/5 by 0 users || Free ||

MyScorecard members who have signed up for the Concierge Service feature can use this app to easily take pictures of their Golf Scorecards and automatically send to MyScorecard for processing, entry, and tracking of hole by hole golf scores on their behalf. It's as easy as Snap It and Send It.. MyScorecard Concierge Service is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 22.15 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Score Keeper HD Lite

Rated 3.6/5 by 27 people || Free ||

Keep track of your score with this simple to use yet very powerful and helpful app. Features; -easy single and double buttons for both increasing and decreasing score -audio tones to let you know which button you pressed -mail feature that will setup an email with all the details, you just need to add who you want to send it to.. Score Keeper HD Lite is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 5.63 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

XC Score

Rated 3.9/5 by 8 people || $0.99 ||

Have you ever watched a Cross Country meet and wondered what the score is. Now you can keep track on your own.. XC Score is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 1.21 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 2/5 by 10 people || Free ||

GameTrac tracks stats for any activity: sports, training, card games, or anything else. Track basketball, tennis, running, gym workouts, or add your own sports or stats.. GameTrac is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 2.67 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Basketball Scorebook + Stats

Rated 3.8/5 by 39 people || Free ||

Save time and score games easily with Basketball Scorebook+. This simple sports scoring app allows you to log each event of the game on a familiar scoreboard screen featuring home and away teams, game clock, possession arrow, scores, fouls and timeouts.. Basketball Scorebook + Stats is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 46.54 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Field Hockey Scorebook + Stats

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Save time and score games easily with Field Hockey Scorebook+. This simple sports scoring app allows you to log each event of the game on a familiar scoreboard screen featuring home and away teams, game clock, possession arrow, scores, penalties and timeouts.. Field Hockey Scorebook + Stats is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 46.57 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.7/5 by 1.98k users || Free ||

Best Restaurant Nutrition Guide in market . .. Smart is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 82.54 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Archery Score P

Rated 3.6/5 by 9 people || Free ||

For FITA Compound/ Recurve Bow scores Both Out door or In door I am a archery as well. This score calculator is simple and easy to use, with large buttons.. Archery Score P is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 16.25 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

GRACE Risk Score

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

"GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to help fellow health care practitioner to assess the mortality risk in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. "GRACE Risk Score: Heart Attack Management" app is designed to assess the risk for in-hospital mortality for the entire spectrum of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) treated in general practice.. GRACE Risk Score is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 15.15 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

VB Scoreboard Basic

Rated 3.4/5 by 5 people || Free ||

VB Scoreboard Basic creates network of connected scoreboards. All devices on the same WiFi network are synchronized and can be used either to display and adjust volleyball score.. VB Scoreboard Basic is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 7.71 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker

Rated 4.9/5 by 82.00k users || Free ||

Expecting. Watch your baby grow every day with Ovia Pregnancy.. Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 172.91 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Pregnancy Tracker

Rated 4.6/5 by 6.14k users || Free ||

Whether you’re a first time mom-to-be or proud mother of two or more, Pregnancy App provides helpful advice and information about you and your developing baby. With Pregnancy App, you will know when you can feel your baby’s first kick or when you’ll be able to find out your little one’s gender.. Pregnancy Tracker is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 50.32 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App

Rated 4.7/5 by 20.90k users || Free ||

From breastfeeding to diaper changes, log all your baby or toddler’s milestones and track development with Glow Baby. Access informative advice and log all of your newborn’s exciting milestones with the best resource for new parents.. Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 161.12 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Baby Breastfeeding Tracker

Rated 4.3/5 by 1.84k users || Free ||

Baby Nursing, the easy-to-use app that helps you track your baby’s nursing progress, growth, diaper changes, doctor’s visits, and more. Just some of what you’ll get in this FREE app: • Track your nursing progress in real time with our easy-to-use timer.. Baby Breastfeeding Tracker is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 110.36 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

BabyHeartBeat Fetal Monitoring

Rated 3/5 by 21 people || Free ||

Nowadays, with technology changing on a fast pace, mobile phones provide access to new experiences. BabyHeartBeat is created for cellphone generation parents to allow monitoring baby's (fetal's) heartbeat anywhere.. BabyHeartBeat Fetal Monitoring is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 30.21 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4/5 by 28 people || Free ||

MedCalX is a tool that enables medical professionals to easily use complicated medical formulas, scores and classifications. 20 years of experience developing this tool for mobile platforms makes MedCalX the leading medical calculator, with an unparalleled user interface and powerful features.. MedCalX is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

FAST Pregnancy Calculator

Rated 4/5 by 4 people || Free ||

THIS APP IS INTENDED FOR USE OF HEALTHCARE WORKERS. Pregnancy Calculator for Healthcare Professionals calculates the gestation week based on the first day of the last menstruation period or previous ultrasound scans.. FAST Pregnancy Calculator is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Simple APGAR

Rated 2/5 by 2 people || Free ||

The Apgar score is a method to quickly summarize the health of newborn children against infant mortality. The Apgar score is determined by evaluating the newborn baby on five simple criteria on a scale from zero to two, then summing up the five values thus obtained.. Simple APGAR is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $0.99 ||

The APGAR Test App allows you to simply and easily get the score on the APGAR Scale with immediate feedback by choosing options in each category to determine whether a newborn needs help breathing or is having heart problems. The APGAR score is based on a total score of 1-10.. APGAR Test is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Pediatric APGAR Score

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

“Pediatric APGAR Score: Pediatric Newborn Assessment” is an app to help calculate APGAR score in newborn baby. The APGAR score is determined by evaluating five simple criteria on a scale from 0 to 2.. Pediatric APGAR Score is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $3.99 ||

With APGAR Timer, Apgar score can be easily and reliably recorded and stored after a birth. APGAR Timer is a small support for all midwives - in birth centers, during home birth or in the delivery room.. APGAR Timer is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Nurse Test Lite

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Want to have almost every IMPORTANT HEALTH TEST on your mobile or tablet, and save the results in a clinical record for each patient. With this app we offer all health care professions (Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacist…) homogeneous assessment tools as questionnaires, tests and validated indexes, in order to facilitate the assessment of health needs and problems of the people we attend and take care of in our daily clinical prac.. Nurse Test Lite is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Pediatric scores

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $0.99 ||

This app displays and calculated common pediatric scores: - Apgar score - Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) - PEWS (paediatric early warning score) - Thompson score for newborns.. Pediatric scores is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Ped Calc

Rated 0/5 by 0 users || $4.99 ||

Aproveite para conhecer também o OBCalc na Appstore. ********************************************************** Com o PedCalc você terá em suas mãos as seguintes ferramentas: √Alvo parental; √Apgar; √Capurro; √Conversão de corticosteroides; √Critérios de pontuação para o diagnóstico de tuberculose; √Estado nutricional pelas classificações de Gomez e OMS; √Glasgow; √Gotejamento; √Idade Corrigida; .. Ped Calc is suitable for ages . It's filesize is 0 bytes.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Weight & Height Gain Tips 2019

Rated 3.5/5 by 2 people || Free ||

Do you feel that you are shorter comparatively your friends and family. Do you feel to get some few more inches in your height.. Weight & Height Gain Tips 2019 is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 11.46 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

( Tetamman ) تطمن

Rated 2.7/5 by 276 people || Free ||

تطبيق تطمن هو تطبيق إلكتروني تابع لوزارة الصحة في المملكة العربية السعودية، ويهدف التطبيق إلى تعزيز التزام جميع من تم توجيههم للعزل الصحي ومتابعة حالتهم الصحية باستمرار، ويقدم التطبيق العديد من الخدمات المختلفة لجميع المستخدمين مثل حجز موعد لإجراء فحص فيروس كورونا وغيره من الخدمات المتنوعة. الخدمات المقدمة من التطبيق: 1.. ( Tetamman ) تطمن is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 165.12 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound

Rated 4.3/5 by 2.86k users || Free ||

Experience with us the fascination of newly emerged life. Watch wonderful ultrasound videos of babies in different weeks of pregnancy.. ScanBaby learn baby ultrasound is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 660.51 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

PetCoach by Petco

Rated 4.6/5 by 218 people || Free ||

PetCoach is the leading source of trusted veterinary advice. Ask questions about your pet's health, nutrition, behavior, or any other topic, and obtain timely answers from verified veterinarians and other pet experts.. PetCoach by Petco is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 77.92 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Oxford Handbook of Cardiology

Rated 5/5 by 0 users || Free ||

Download this app to purchase the content from of Oxford Handbook of Cardiology, Second Edition from Oxford University Press, and developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’s patented technology.. Oxford Handbook of Cardiology is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 4.31 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.8/5 by 608.44k users || Free ||

GoodRx is a free pharmacy coupons app that helps millions of Americans save money on pills, prescription drugs & medical costs. Our coupon finder helps find the best price on affordable prescriptions, medications & drugs you can’t find on other medication apps.. GoodRx is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 77.51 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Teladoc Health

Rated 4.8/5 by 404.85k users || Free ||

Teladoc Health connects you with complete care, at your convenience and an affordable cost. You’ll find what you need to get well—like 24/7 care—alongside primary care, therapy and programs proven to keep you well.. Teladoc Health is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 79.86 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.8/5 by 249.41k users || Free ||

Leafly is the world's #1 cannabis resource and weed app. Use Leafly to find dispensaries near you, review strains, or order weed delivery.. Leafly is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 111.10 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.9/5 by 228.71k users || Free ||

Need help navigating the cannabis universe. Weedmaps is your convenient and complete guide to cannabis - your one-stop shop for cannabis information and the latest industry news & laws.. Weedmaps is suitable for ages 17+. It's filesize is 149.78 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.6/5 by 179.79k users || Free ||

MyChart puts your health information in the palm of your hand and helps you conveniently manage care for yourself and your family members. With MyChart you can: • Communicate with your care team.. MyChart is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 92.01 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Baby Tracker

Rated 4.8/5 by 179.37k users || Free ||

Baby Tracker features native user interface for both iPhone and iPad, and is the only log for your baby’s health that allows syncing among multiple devices without compromising your privacy. Designed by busy parents, for busy parents, Baby Tracker offers a simple, streamlined way to track your baby’s daily habits, health, and exciting “firsts” of those precious early days and months.. Baby Tracker is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 96.46 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

PulsePoint Respond

Rated 4.8/5 by 158.46k users || Free ||

PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected mobile app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is needed nearby. If you’re trained in CPR and are willing to assist in an emergency, the app will alert you if someone near you is having a cardiac emergency and may need CPR.. PulsePoint Respond is suitable for ages 12+. It's filesize is 23.94 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Sydney Health

Rated 4.8/5 by 150.70k users || Free ||

Use the Sydney™ Health app to find care, share your digital ID card, and check your claims. You can understand your benefits, improve your health, and save money.. Sydney Health is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 187.58 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby


Rated 4.8/5 by 144.71k users || Free ||

Doximity helps over 2 million healthcare professionals take the friction out of everyday challenges that are unique to clinicians. The tools you already use, conveniently in one place and designed to make your life a little bit easier.. Doximity is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 165.48 MB.

alternatives to Apgar Score - Quickly test the health of a newborn baby

Telehealth by SimplePractice

Rated 4.7/5 by 131.77k users || Free ||

Attend your appointment without leaving your home or office, or car, or private outdoor spot. With Telehealth by SimplePractice, clients and clinicians can participate in 100% secure, HIPAA-compliant therapy sessions from anywhere.. Telehealth by SimplePractice is suitable for ages 4+. It's filesize is 41.43 MB.
